Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 17:46:36 -0800 Subject: Dirty War against Colombian Oil Workers (Eng & Esp) >Date: Tue, 18 Mar 1997 18:42:04 -0500 >To:, LABOR-L-AT-YORKU.CA,, > LABNEWS-AT-cmsa.Berkeley.EDU, >From: (Aaron) >Subject: Dirty War against Colombian Oil Workers (Eng & Esp) >Cc: <>, Carlos Moreno <> > >Friends, comrades, compan~er-AT-s, > Below is an English translation, followed by the Spanish original, of an >important press release and communique from the Colombian oil workers' >trade union. While at least half the work of translation was done by >compan~ero David in Bogota (e-mail: Carlos Moreno ><>), I take full responsibility for any faults >in this latest version. (Reports concerning such faults would be >appreciated.) > Please be aware that there are errors in the Spanish text, which >apparently is as the folks at ann.col received it. > There are many important documents in Spanish -- from Colombia, Peru and >elsewhere -- that await translation. If you can help, please contact me as >well as (Arm The Spirit). > >-- For international solidarity, >-- Aaron <> > >-------------- > >1997-03-14 > >AGENCIA DE NOTICIAS NUEVA COLOMBIA, ANNCOL >(New Colombia News Agency) E-mail: > >For the editor of the foreign pages: >Press Release for free distribution, provided the source is mentioned: > >The Colombian oil workers' union victim of state persecution: > >"WE FIND OURSELVES FACING A REGIME WITH ALL THE CHARACTERISTICS OF FASCISM" > >(Stockholm/ANNCOL) In a statement to the national and international press, >the treasurer of the Workers' Trade Union, USO (Union Sindical Obrera), >Cesar Carrillo, calls the attention of the whole community to the outrages >of which the trade unionists are victims. > >In the last 7 years, the union has had to bury more than 70 members, >murdered by hired assassins who appear "by chance" when the union is in >intense bargaining over its demands or in a struggle to block >privatizations of the state enterprise, Ecopetrol. > >On 5 December, 14 leaders and workers of the USO were detained. Cesar >Carrillo was detained by forces of the Public Prosecutor when he left the >company headquarters after having ended a round of talks with the >management of Ecopetrol. They have now been in prison for more than three >months, accused of "rebellion" and "terrorism". > >Pedro Chaporro, one of the national leaders of the USO who has been >detained, was sentenced on 11 February of this year to seven years in >prison on the same charges. The sentence was handed down the same day that >850,000 Colombian public sector workers launched a general strike that >lasted 174 hours. The result was a success for the trade union movement. At >this moment, there are 14 workers and leaders of the USO in prison. > >------------------------------------------------------------------ > >National and International Communique > >LET'S STOP THE MASSACRE AND GENOCIDE AGAINST TRADE UNIONISM! > >5 March 1997: 14 Oil Workers have been detained for three months > >As time passes, the accusations continue by the government and public >prosecutor against the Workers' Trade Union, USO (Union Sindical Obrera). >It is three months that they have detained 14 oil workers; three months of >vile accusations and public ridicule. Faceless justice has positioned us as >individuals undesirable to society, of having caused great damage to the >economy of the country, and logically deserving of long sentences, to >supposedly serve as an example to the new generations of workers. > >But as if this weren't enough, the government has placed us in a >conceptualization that is very dangerous, not so much for those detained, >but for the entire union. > >We are accused of being a narcoterrorist band, delegitimizing the legal and >trade-union character of the USO, placing us in the sights of the military >and the treatment that is given, according to the state, to the >narcoterrorist organizations. > >They disregard 74 years of union history, of unflagging trade-union and >political struggle, of contributing to the creation and consolidation of >Ecopetrol, of leading stikes that shaped the history of the trade-union >movement. All this in the light of day, hiding nothing, snatching nothing >from anybody, without betraying our country, feeling ourselves Colombian. > >Meanwhile, succeeding governments raffles off and give away our wealth, >receiving the scraps that are left, become fervent defenders of the >interests of and agreements with the multinationals, and condemn >permanently the nationalist ideas and positions of the USO and other >trade-unions, social organisations and many political and democratic >personalities. They have been making war on the USO for many years. There >are killings, forced exile, jailings, and threats, and the investigations >about these facts have no results. On the contrary, it is the workers >themselves who are condemned and judged. That is, State-sponsored impunity >is the dominant note. > >We find ourselves facing a regime with all the characteristics of Fascism, >which persecutes and humbles the workers, but kneels down, humiliates and >postrates itself before the North American leaders, as in the >decertificacion issue. > >They proclaim they will guarantee us a fair trial, as if it was a gift, >when this is guaranteed by the Colombian Constitution. > >The national and international trade-union movement, the Human Rights >organisations in Colombia and in the world must know that we: Marcelo >Buitrago, Felipe Mendoza, Guillermo Cardenas, Monerge Sanchez, Rafael >Estupinan, Hernan Vallejo, Leonardo Diaz, Reinel Sanchez, Edgar Riano, >Francisco Cadena, Leonardo Mosquea, Alvaro Solano, Jorge Estupinan, Fabio >Lievano and Cesar Carrillo are innocent and feel ourselves victims of >trade-union and political persecution by the regime. It should also be >known that Pedro Chaparro, USO leader, has been condemned to 7 years in >prison, and that the defense arguments only served as historical record. >The world must be told that a genocide is being committed in Colombia >against a trade union for the act of maintaining a nationalist policy. > >We demand of the top management of Ecopetrol and of the government itself >that they take off the mask and say if the USO is a narcoterrorist >organization, an enemy of the country and of the Colombian people, or on >the contrary a legally constituted trade-union organization dedicated to >the defense of the workers and the country. > >Sincerely, >CESAR CARRILLO >TREASURER AND NATIONAL LEADER >UNIO'N SINDICAL OBRERA (Workers' Trade Union) > >-------------- > >>Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 17:42:32 -0500 >From: "ann.col" <> >Subject: Guerra Sucia a petroleros colombianos > >1997-03-14 > >AGENCIA DE NOTICIAS NUEVA COLOMBIA, ANNCOL >Nyhetsbyr=E5n Nya Colombia. E-mail: >------------------------------------------------------------------ > >Para >El redactor de las p=E1ginas exteriores: >Comunicado de Prensa para libre disposici=F3n, siempre y cuando se >menciona la fuente: > >------------------------------------------------------------------ > >El sindicato petrolero colombiano v=EDctima por la persecuci=F3n >estatal: > >"NOS ENCONTRAMOS PUES ANTE UN R=C9GIMEN >CON TODAS LAS CARACTER=CDSTICAS DEL FASCISMO" > >(ESTOCHOLMO/ANNCOL) En un comunicado a la prensa nacional e >internacional, el tesorero del sindicato Uni=F3n Sindical Obrera, >USO, CESAR CARILLO, hace un llamado a toda la comunidad para >llamar la atenci=F3n de los atropellos por los cuales son v=EDctimas >los sindicalistas. > >En los =FAltimos siete a=F1os, el sindicato ha tenido que entrerrar >m=E1s de 70 afiliados, asesinados por sicarios, que "causalmente", >aparecen cuando el sindicato esta en intensas conversaciones >acerca el pliego de peticiones o en una lucha para impedir la >privatisaciones de la empresa estatal, Ecopetrol. > >El 5 de diciembre fueron detenidos 14 dirigentes y trabajadores de >la USO. Cesar Carillo fue detenido por fuerzas de la Fiscalia >cuando sal=EDa del edificio de la empresa después de haber terminado >una ronda de conversaciones con la directiva de Ecopetrol. >Ya llevan m=E1s de tres meses encarcelados, acusados por "rebeli=F3n" >y "terrorismo". > >Pedro Chaporro, uno de los dirigentes nacionales de la USO que han >sido detenidos, fué condenado a siete a=F1os de prisi=F3n el 11 de >Febrero a=F1o en curso por las mismas acusaciones. La sentecia fue >ejecutada el mismo d=EDa que 850.000 trabajadores colombianos del >sector estatal se lanzaron a una huelga general que dur=F3 174 >horas. El resultado fué un éxito por el movimiento sindical. >En este momento esta 14 trabajadores y dirigentes encarcelados de >la USO. >------------------------------------------------------------------ >Comunicado nacional e internacional > >PAREMOS LA MASACRE Y EL GENOCIDIO >CONTRA EL SINDICALISMO! > >Marzo 5 de 1997, tres meses, detenidos 14 trabajadores petroleros > >A medida que transcurre el tiempo contin=FAan las acusaciones del >gobierno y la Fiscal=EDa en contra la Uni=F3n Sindical Obrera, USO. >Son tres meses que se cumplen de haber detenido a 14 trabajadores >petroleros; tres meses de infames acusaciones y de escarnio >p=FAblico. La Justicia sin rostro nos ha colocado como unos >individuos indeseables a la sociedad, de haberle causado grandes >da=F1os a la econom=EDa del pa=EDs y l=F3gicamente merecedores de grandes >condenas, para que supuestamente sirvan de ejemplo a las nuevas >generaciones de trabajadores. > >Pero como si fuera poco igualmente el gobierno nos coloca en un >concepto muy peligroso, no tanto para los detenidos sino para todo >el sindicato. > >Se nos acusa de ser una banda narcoterrorista desligitimando el >car=E1cter legal y sindical de la USO; coloc=E1ndonos en la mira >militar y el tratamiento que se le da seg=FAn el estado a las >organisaciones narcoterroristas. > >Se desconocen 74 a=F1os de vida del sindicato, de incansable lucha >sindical y pol=EDtica, de aportar a la creaci=F3n y consolidaci=F3n de >Ecopetrol, de haber protagonizado huelgas que marcaron la historia >del movimiento sindical. Todo esto a la l=FAz del d=EDa, sin esconder >nada, sin arrebatarle nada nadie, sin traicionar la patria u >sintiéndonos colombianos. > >Mientras tanto los gobiernos de turno regalan y rifan nuestras >riquezas, reciben migajas por lo que queda, se convierten en >fervientes defensores de los intereses y de los pactos con las >multinacionales y condenan permanentemente las ideas y posiciones >nacionalistas de la USO, de otros sindicatos, de organisaciones >sociales y de muchas personalidades pol=EDticas y democr=E1ticas. >A la Uni=F3n Sindical Obrera se le viene dando un tratamiento de >guerra desde hace muchos a=F1os, se asesina, se destierra, se >encarcela, se amenaza y las investigaciones por estos hechos no >arrojan ning=FAn resultado; antes por el contrario los condenados y >juzgados somos los trabajadores; es decir la impunidad que >patrocina el Estado es la nota predominante. > >Nos encontramos pues ante un régimen con todas las caracter=EDsticas >del fascismo, que persigue y somete a los trabajdores, pero que se >arrodilla, se humilla y se postra a los mandos norteamericanos >como en el caso de la descertificaci=F3n. > >Se nos anuncia que se garantiza el debido proceso como si esto >fuera una d=E1diva o regalo; cuando esta consagrado en la >constituci=F3n colombiana. > >El movimiento sindical nacional e internacional, las >organisaciones de derechos humanos de Colombia y el mundo deben >saber que; Marcelo Bu=EDtrago, Felipe Mendoza, Guillermo C=E1rdenas, >Monerge S=E1nchez,Rafael Estupi=F1an, Hern=E1n Vallejo, Leonardo D=EDaz, >Reinel S=E1nchez, Edgar Ria=F1o, Francisco Cadena, Leonardo Mosquera, >Alvaro Solano, Jorge Estupi=F1an, Fabio Lievano y Cesar Carillo >somos inocentes y que sentimos persegu=EDdos sindicales y pol=EDticos >del régimen, pero también debe saberse que Pedro Chaporro, >dirigente de la USO ha sido condenado (por 7 a=F1os), y que los >argumentos de la defensa solo sirvieron como constancia hist=F3rica. >Esta en juego la existencia del sindicato; al mundo hay que >decirle que en Colombia se esta cometiendo un genocidio contra una >organisaci=F3n sindical por el hecho de preservar una pol=EDtica >nacionalista. > >A la alta administraci=F3n de Ecopetrol y del propio gobierno, les >pedimos que se qu=EDten la careta y digan si la USO es una >organisaci=F3n narcoterrorista, enemiga del pa=EDs y del pueblo >colombiano, o por el cotrario es una organisaci=F3n sindical >legalmente constitu=EDda dedicada a la defensa de los trabajadores y >del pa=EDs. > >Atentamente > >CESAR CARILLO >TESORERO Y DIRIGENTE NACIONAL >UNI=D3N SINDICAL OBRERA >-------------- > > > > This information provided for non-profit research purposes only. Michael Novick <> People Against Racist Terror (PART) POB 1055 Culver City CA 90232 310-288-5003. Check out our quarterly, "Turning the Tide: Journal of Anti-Racist Activism, Research and Education" --- from list ---
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