Subject: semiotexte/another spare rarity Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 02:34:27 GMT =46our people enquired about the spare copy of the semiotexte Autonomia issue so I put their names into a bag and drew one out. As I continue to excavate the lost corners of my room i've found a few more copies of "Politics in the First Person" if anyone wants one. However I also found something else which I guess will be of interest - a spare copy of the Red Notes pamphlet "Workers Struggles and the Development of Ford in Britain". (Their best pamphlet I think). As its rare, and I gather a reprint is unlikely since Ferruccio Gambino objects to the translation, i'll do the same with this as with the semiotexte. Email me if you want it and i'll put your name into a draw for it on Saturday. (Before you ask I don't want money for it). thanks to everyone who contacted me about the Collu article. dave --- from list ---
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