Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 13:24:18 GMT + 2:00 Subject: Leoncavallo Trial's Sentence: Comrades' Communique Dear comrades, One of the main focuses of this list is the investigation of forms of societal self-management (autogestione) and self-organization of struggles. We have always acknowledged, among our various international contributions, the importance of the historical experience of the Italian revolutionary and antagonist movement, in a plurality of expressions, notable among which are the Self-managed Social Centres (Centri Sociali Autogestiti). Now, probably all of you realize that this interest is not only due to a theoretical preoccupation, but that it is connected to the collective and personal experience of comrades that for decades have been fighting, and still continue to, for what can be defined an idea of communism in the face of the brutal repression waged upon them by an Italian state for which fascism has consintently remained a police and judicial practices when dealing with social mass movements cathegorized as "emergencies" by these pigs. I received the following message this morning, and I can barely believe to what it's written in it. I think people on this list must make their voice heard in one way or another. I then transmit the message below with an English translation appended. The sentences for the more than 70 comrades from the Social Centre "Leoncavallo" mentioned range from 5 months to more than 3 year imprisonment. AMNESTY NOW!!! FREEDOM FOR ALL THE IMPRISONED COMRADES!!! AUTOGESTIONE CANNOT BE TRIALED!!! Hasta Siempre ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- To: From: snd <> Subject: UN SECOLO DI CARCERE x il Centro Sociale LEONCAVALLO Milano 20 marzo 1997 CENTRO SOCIALE LEONCAVALLO: UN SECOLO DI CARCERE Un secolo di carcere per i 73 imputati nel maxiprocesso al Centro Sociale Leoncavallo e agli altri centri sociali milanesi, e' stata la sentenza emessa oggi dalla Seconda Sezione del Tribunale di Milano. Una sentenza tutta politica, che accoglie in pieno le tesi dell'accusa, le altissime richieste del Pm, l'incriminazione per una responsabilita' di appartenenza ai luoghi dell'autogestione, che diventa di per se' immediatamente prova dei reati, e tutta la costruzione teorica dell'accusa, basata esclusivamente su dichiarazioni della Digos della Questura di Milano. Una sentenza gravissima, che non potra' non avere ripercussioni sull'ordine pubblico, e che penalizza fortemente decine di imputati, colpevoli esclusivamente di avere dato vita a manifestazioni politiche nelle vie della citta'. (...) -------------------------- CENTRO SOCIALE LEONCAVALLO -------------------------- ------------------- Isole nella Rete ------------------- ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Milan, 20 March 1997 Leoncavallo Social Centre: One Century Imprisonment A hundred years imprisonment for the 73 defendants in the maxi-trial to the Leoncavallo Social Centre and to the other Milanese social centres: this has been the sentence delivered today by the Second Section of the Milan's Tribunal. An entirely political sentence, which fully endorses the accusation's arguments, the extremely heavy prosecutors' requests, the charge for being responsible to be part of spaces of self-management, which immediately becomes in itself a proof of the crime, and a whole theoretical construction exclusively based on the testimonies of the Digos [political police, FB] at the Milan Police Commission. A very serious sentence, which cannot but have repercussions on the public order, and which strongly penalizes tens of defendants, exclusively liable for having given shape to political demonstrations in the town's roads. CENTRO SOCIALE LEONCAVALLO (message to cslist, Isole Nella Rete, http:/// Franco Barchiesi Sociology of Work Unit Dept of Sociology Private Bag 3 University of the Witwatersrand PO Wits 2050 Johannesburg South Africa Tel. (++27 11) 716.3290 Fax (++27 11) 716.3781 E-Mail Home: 98 6th Avenue Melville 2092 Johannesburg South Africa Tel. (++27 11) 482.5011 --- from list ---
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