Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 18:43:06 +0100 Subject: Fwd: URGENT APPEAL FOR SOLIDARITY WITH IMMIGRANTS IN THE US ***** PLEASE COPY, DISTRIBUTE, POST AND SIGN ****** ****** INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN **** **** For 1,000,000 Signatures From Around the World to Demand General Amnesty for Immigrants in the US and Organize a Movement ****** Dear friends: Please sign the enclosed letter and petition in favor of a General Amnesty for undocumented immigrants in the US. Presently, over 6 million people and their families live in a virtual apartheid system, being denied all human and civil rights. The "Papers for All Campaign" in the US will put the US government on trial for the violations of these rights against millions of people in its own territory. The Campaign is intended to call international attention to these abuses. We are also planning demonstrations, picket lines and other forms fo direct action to obtain the amnesty. We are inspired and we will link our efforts with the sans-papiers in france and other European countries. Please, help gathering signatures. You may send your signatures, including your peronal title and the name of the organization you belong to. Please, make sure you state whether you are signing on your own behalf or if you're representing your organization. Thanks Initial list of Organizers of the Campaign: African Immigrants Civil Rights Organization; Movimiento por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes (MDI); United Arab Organization of the US; Demand Rights for Cambodians; Latin American Artists Association; Filipinos for Affirmative Action; California Coalition to Fight for Equality; Asociacion de Residentes Latinoamericanos; Peru Salud y Vida; Asociacion de Futbol Soccer (USA); Newspaper Nuevo Horizonte; Newspaper San Francisco Frontlines; Ralph Nader for President Committee; Immigrant Labor Organizing Committee; Green City Project; Chinese Student Association; La Raza Immigration Project; Vietnamese Civil Rights Initiative; Labor Militant (USA); Asociacion de Profesionales Latinos; Immigrant Pride Day Organizing Committee; Mexican Citizens Commission; Central American Coalition for Civil Rights, Concilio, Casa de los J=F3venes (Mission Youth Soccer League, Youth in Action; Instituto Familiar de La Raza, YWCA; Mission Recreation Center; Southern Exposure) and 3,000 teachers, tradeunionists, community activists, artists and health providers. Papers for All Campaign 3311 Mission Street, Suite 135 San Francisco, California 94110 415-648-5257 March 21, 1997 Dear friend: Millions of immigrant men, women and children, live in a virtual apartheid system in the United States. Sometimes called "undocumented" or "illegal", they are at the bottom of the social scale. Immigrants receive no benefits, such as SSI, unemployment or Medicaid, while they pay billions of dollars in taxes. Immigrants have no right to vote and are denied many constitutional rights such as the freedom of movement or expression. They are denied these rights while at the same time they contribute to the economy, the enrichment of our culture, and to the development of science, labor and education. In many cases, immigrants are paid salaries below legal standards, live in sub-human conditions, and receive no help in times of need. They are subjected to vilification, discrimination and stereotyping. Immigrant children have little hope of access to good jobs, higher education or other economic or social opportunities, no matter how qualified or hardworking they may be. They are socially, politically, and economically invisible. Politicians, the media, and the right wing portray them as useless vagrants or worse, and they are continually scapegoated for all social ills. This reality is a shameful reminder of what or society cannot be. We must end apartheid in this state and throughout the country. Please consider supporting our campaign for "Papers for All" and our call for an immediate amnesty of all undocumented workers and their families in the U.S.. Sign, copy, and distribute this letter. Ask other organizations and individuals to sign. Send a contribution to help extend this campaign state and nationwide. Make your checks payable to "Papers for All Campaign". You will receive periodic updates on the campaign, notice of meetings and planned actions. Get involved. We are planning letter campaigns, demonstrations and marches, media outreach, lobbying, and are planning to expose these violations of human and civil rights nationally and internationally. We need you and your organization. Join us now! Sincerely, (Add your name and the name of your organization to this cover letter that will be sent to every elected officer in the US and in several other countries and over 50,000 other concerned individuals in various capacities in international and national policy intitutions) Please, al so sign the following: TEXT OF GENERAL IMMIGRATION AMNESTY PETITION Whereas, there are currently millions of men, women an dchildren in the United states who did not qualify for the 1986 immigration amnesty; The lack of documents for immigrant workers is a hindrance to enjoyment of a decent life, producing a situation where employers violate work laws at will and force their workers to labor for low wages, long hours, and under deplorable conditions; These abuses result in the utilization of undocumented workers as a weapon by unscrupulous employers in order to lower wages for all workers, forcingm them to compete among themselves and thus fostering racial divisions; Under these conditions immigrants are the object of persecution, discrimination and hatred, a situtation that means millions of men, women and children are prisoners of a virtual apartheid system in the United States, a violation of the most basic human and civil rights; Under current conditions immigrant youths who finish high school have no access to insttuitions of higher education, and thus are faced with a lack of educational or work alternatives; thousands of Salvadoran and Nicaraguan immigrants are under threat of deportation because they were not able to obtain permanent residence, their work permits have expired; We propose that there be a GENERAL AMNESTY FOR ALL IMMIGRANTS so that they may have access to decent employment and higher education. ADD YOUR NAME AND OF YOUR ORGANIZATION, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE, CITY AND COUNTRY, FAX NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS AND SEND IT TO: Snail Mail: Papers for All Campaign 3311 MIssion Street, Suite 135 San Francisco, California 94110 San Francisco, California 94110 FAX: (415) 648-5257 -- San Francisco, USA E-Mail: --- from list ---
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