Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 18:32:17 +0100 Subject: BOYCOTT AIR FRANCE _______________________________________________________ CONFLITS_L -------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT THE CHARTER FLIGHTS OF SHAME. BOYCOTT AIR FRANCE. We, as film-makers, writers, artists, intellectuals, lawyers and citizens who have occasion to travel by plane for professional or personal reasons, declare our indignation at seeing the French airline company Air France allowing itself to become the privileged instrument of State xenophobia, by forcibly embarking undocumented foreigners ("sans-papiers") on its air liners or specially chartered planes bound for Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. Numerous eye-witness accounts from the deportees and from other passengers and airline staff testify to the scandalous conditions under which these deportations take place; these men are gagged, drugged, chained, insulted and beaten with truncheons. Families are separated, despite explicit promises to the contrary made by French government ministers, and the sick are sent to a certain death from lack of care. These practices are contrary to the most fundamental human rights and serve no useful purpose other than to reinforce the xenophobic delusions that are spreading through our country. These practices have continued despite the protests of the trade unions represented at Air France. For these reasons, and on the strength of the powerful moral impetus generated by the appeal to disobey the Debre laws on immigration, we appeal to users to BOYCOTT AIR FRANCE AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES (Air Charter, Go Voyages, Jumbo) until these practices are stopped. We also appeal to airport ground-staff and flight personnel to refuse to collaborate in these forced embarkments and in the take-off of these charter flights of shame. Please send your signatures to: Brigitte Largueze/Frederic Goldbronn Fax: ++ 331 48 06 58 67 E-mail : Romain Goupil Gilles Perrault Maurice Rajfus Pierre Bourdieu...... (au 10/03/1997) : Cinéastes, réalisateurs, techniciens du cinéma et de l'audiovisuel : Anne Baudry (monteuse) Maryse Borettaz Claudine Bories Jacques Chavance (production) Jean-Louis Comoli Amalia Escriva Laurent Fénart (opérateur) Denis Gheerbrant Frédéric Goldbronn Romain Goupil Michael Hoare Isabelle Ingold (monteuse) F. Jullien Giselle Kirjner Mohamed Kounda Dominique Martineau (prod. TV) Stéphane Mercurio Alain Moreau Olivier Pascal (opérateur) Judith du Pasquier Vivianne Perelduter Yves de Peretti Laurence Petit-Jouvet Lara Rastelli Nicolas Stern Brigitte Tijou Catherine Tissier Paul Vecchiali Bernie Ydis Ecrivains, libraires et éditeurs : Stéphanie Benson Olivier Douy=E8re Jacques Dugrand Jean Esch (traducteur) Alain Gagnol Pascal Garnier Christian Garraud (éditeur) Claude Guillon Fran=E7ois Joly Jean-Claude Lecoq (libraire) Nadine Monfis Jean-hugues Oppel Gilles Perrault Jean-Bernard Pouy Hervé Prudon Serge Quadruppani Maurice Rajfus Jean-Jacques Reboux Serge Rey (libraire) Ariane Sénéchal (libraire) Olivier Tiébaut Sociologues et chercheurs en sciences sociales : Pierre Bourdieu Sylvain Broccolichi Christine César Patrick Champagne Yves Dezalay M. Eidehoff Marie-France Garcia Sandrine Garcia C. Hamelin Brigitte Largu=E8ze David Le Bras Bernard Lehmann Laurence Lizé Zhang Lun Dominique Marchetti Anne-Thér=E8se Martinez E. Flitner-Merle Djanikian Mito Louis Pinto Franck Poupeau Annick Prieur M'hammed Sabour Charles Soulié L. Van Campenhoudt Juristes : Christine Martineau (Gisti) Jean-Fran=E7ois Martini (Gisti) Anne Weil-Massé Autres activités : Olivier Body (urbaniste) ML Cret=E8 (biblioth=E8caire) Laurent Guilloteau (AC) Catherine Stein Viviane Dubol (psychologue) Ali Essafi (voyageur) Catherine Bizern Omar Fall (photographe) Valérie Fournier (animatrice insertion) A=EFda Kébadian (peintre) Jean-Pierre Lenoir (travailleur) Gérard Michel Nicole Orzi Vincent Régnier Maria Bianchini (enseignante) Eric Coatanea (enseignant) _______________________________________________________ EUROPEAN COUNTER NETWORK - PARIS / FRANCE -------------------------------------------------------------- Ecn c/o Reflex - 21 ter, rue Voltaire, 75011 Paris (France) -------------------------------------------------------------- eMail : Samizdat : A-Infos : TAO: ------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________ --- from list ---
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