Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 17:08:00 +1100 Subject: LL: MARCH FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE, LONDON 12 April 1997 >Date: Thu, 20 Mar 1997 07:52:45 +0000 (GMT) >From: >Subject: LL: MARCH FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE, LONDON 12 April 1997 >Sender: >To: >Precedence: bulk > >MARCH FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE!! --ALL OUT ON 12 APRIL > > On Saturday, 12 April 1997 London will witness one of the largest >demonstrations it has seen for many a long year. >The March for Social Justice has been called by the Liverpool dockers, the >Women of the Waterfront, the Magnet Strikers and the Hillingdon Hospital >workers. It is sponsored by many organisations including the ITUSC. >In their original invitation, the dockers asked all those who oppose this >government - trade unionists, the unemployed, pensioners, people with >disabilities, the homeless, environmentalists and the young, refugees and >asylum seekers - to join in a mass rally and March for Social Justice, to >celebrate our several and many struggles and send a signal in this pre- >General Election period in Britain, that we are not relying on parliamentary >elections to defend our right to social justice. >Its themes include:- > >JOBS! HOMES! A FUTURE! > >This event marks the start in Britain of Euromarch '97, which the ITUSC also >sponsors, and a People's Charter has been launched (see below) and everyone >is invited to consider any additions or changes they would like to see >incorporated in it. > >We in the ITUSC will do everything possible to ensure that this >demonstration is a major success. We urge all who are associated with our >work to mobilise their workmates, union branches, friends and relatives to >join us and the thousands of others who will be celebrating our struggles on >12 April. Look out for the ITUSC banner. >March for Social Justice >on >Saturday, 12 April 1997 >Assemble 12 noon, Kennington Park, London (Oval Tube Station) >March, dance and drum >to 10 Downing St. >Presentation of the People's Charter >Carnival in Trafalgar Square with the 'Bateria Mandela' > >BE SEEN BE HEARD BE THERE! > >THE PEOPLE'S CHARTER FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE >Launched by the sacked Liverpool dockers and Women of the Waterfront > >WE, THE PEOPLE, demand social justice: > >1) Immediate reinstatement with full trade union rights of the 500 sacked >Liverpool dockers; the Hillingdon Hospital workers; the Magnet workers; and >all other unjustly sacked workers. >2) The right to join a trade union, to strike ,to respect picket lines and >to take solidarity action. Immediate repeal of all anti-union legislation. >3) The right to work and to job security. Reversal of the policies of >casualisation, privatisation and deregulation. Democratic planning to secure >full employment. No compulsory overtime. Acknowledgement of the value of >low-waged and unwaged work. Equal pay for work of equal value. >4) The right to recreation and assembly. Repeal of the Criminal Justice Act. >5) Defence of the Welfare State. Abolition of the Job Seekers Allowance. >Free education including nursery and university provision; free health >care; adequate pensions and benefits for all. Equal rights and social >provision for people with disabilities, the sick, and for all minority >groups. >6) The right to a home. Emergency measures to house the homeless, including >occupation of vacant or underused properties. Defence of the rights of >travellers. >7) Repeal of all discriminatory legislation. Defence of the right of >asylum. Equal rights for all, regardless of ethnic origin, nationality, >gender, sexuality or creed. The right of community self-defence against >racist, sexist or other violence. >8) The right to citizenship within a democracy. Abolition of the Monarchy >and the House of Lords. Withdrawal of British troops from Ireland. Repeal of >the Prevention of Terrorism Act. >9) The right to a future for our children. Emergency action to reverse >national and global pollution and devastation of the planet's resources. >Action to curb the private car and road lobbies and to reclaim our streets; >implementation of an integrated public transport system. The right to clean >air, water and food. Abolition of the nuclear power industry. >10) The right of workers to organise internationally to resist injustice >and oppression, to reclaim the planet and put an end to war. Abolition of >the nuclear weapons industry. An end to all trade in arms and instruments of >torture. > > JOBS! HOMES! A FUTURE! > >Merseyside Port Shop Stewards Committee, 19, Scorton Street, Liverpool. L6 4AS >Tel: ++44 (0) 151 207 3388 Fax: ++44 (0) 151 207 0696 > >To add your union or organisation to the list of sponsors, contact the Shop >Stewards as above, or phone the London Support Group on ++44 (0) 181 367 0021 > >This Charter will be presented at 10, Downing Street, London on 12 April >from the March for Social Justice. >Following 12 April, there will be further discussions on the development of >the Charter and its implementation. >____________________________________________________________________ >This is from the International Trade Union Solidarity Campaign (ITUSC) at:- >e-mail: >website: >'snail' mail: PO Box 18, Epsom, Britain, KT18 7YR >Tel/Fax ++44 (0) 1372 817 778 >The ITUSC is an international and internationalist association of organised >workers and communities, dedicated to rebuilding the workers' movement and >to overcoming sectarianism and division in working class organisations. It >was founded in 1991 on the following principles: >1) trade unions independent of the state and employers; >2) democracy within trade unions, and; >3) workers' internationalism. >Any individuals or organisations that accept these principles and are >prepared to work for them, are regarded as comrades by the ITUSC. > >*-*-* -*-*-* -*-*-* -*-*-* -*-*-*-*-*-*-* -*-*-* -*-*-* -*-*-* -*-*-* >* LEFTLINK - sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop * >* * >* Address to post messages to Leftlink: * >* Address to join or leave Leftlink: * >* To join Leftlink write: subscribe leftlink your-email-address * >* To leave Leftlink write: unsubscribe leftlink your-email-address * >*-*-* -*-*-* -*-*-* -*-*-* -*-*-*-*-*-*-* -*-*-* -*-*-* -*-*-* -*-*-* > --- from list ---
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