File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1997/97-03-23.192, message 72

Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 07:32:32 +1000
Subject: (en) Albania Supplement - 03/20

Some more comments and translations courtesy of Robert from the A-Infos
Group in Germany.

As usual the a-infos network has proved an essential resource (their
archive on the French strikes of 1995-6 is required reading). The a-infos
web page address can be found at the end of this post.



Subject: (en) Albania Supplement - 03/20
From: <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 13.51 GMT

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Although reports about the concrete situation in Albania have grown
extremely scarce since the visit of the EU-Delegation to Tirana, there
have been some excerpts that help to give at least a minor idea of the
overall situation. Sadly, there have been no further reports of any kind
about the organisation within towns in the southern part of Albania and it
is being kept unclear, how decisions are being made there, if, what and
how social structures are upheld and what further aims the "rebels" have
other than calling for Berisha to step back.

Still, there are a number of questions left unanswered:
- How are the insurgents in the south of Albania organising and co-
ordinating their struggle? How is social organisation in the "free
regions" being upheld? Are the structures of self-organisation that were
reported about in the first days still being upheld or have they been
replaced by a representative or leadership system? Are there different
fractions between the insurgents and what are their aims, other than
calling for Berisha to resign and for a compensation of the people cheated
by the investment companies? Do they accept the parliamantary opposition
(something that was denied in earlier reports but is no longer being
mentioned now)?
- How large is Berishas influence or that of the Socialist party in
Albania? How far has Berisha managed to re-establish his power and are
those police forces that have returned to work really all under his
- Who is actually organising the transport of refugees? Pictures broadcast
in the news of the main ports used for transport - Durres and Vlore -
showed police forces keeping away residents from the ships while masked
men in civil clothes wielding guns were walking in and out at the same
time and obviously some civilans were let on board. Does this mean that
the government itself is profiting from the refugees or that the police
forces in those towns are not under government control?
It is important to attain information regarding these questions in order
to be able to judge what is really happening in Albania

We would still be glad about any information helping us to make contact to
Albanian residents or people who could judge the situation there in more

Robert (for the A-Infos Group in germany)


*German governments responsibility for the Berisha-regime*
a short summary by the german A-Infos Group
Collective address: A-Infos, c/o Barrikade, Bismarckstr. 41a, 47443 Moers,
           Germany, Fax.: +49-2151-951806, E-Mail:

 A report broadcast screened during the politcal magazine "Monitor" of the
german state-owned TV station ARD Thursday (20. of March) evening, has
documented how german government has supported the Berisha-Regime in the
past. Two foundations close to the government-coalition parties have had
branches in Albania since 1992. One is the "Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung"
which is close to the CDU, the other is the "Hans Seidel-Stiftung", which
is close to the CSU (both conservative parties).
 According to the report, the german government, that welcomed Birishas
anti-communism, was willing to support him and his party despite their
totalitarian character, since they seemed to be a force that guaranteed
the introduction of capitalist economy to Albania. The Albanian secret
service Shik - which has carried out torture on oppositionals in Albania -
was built up with financial and logistic help from Germany under the
instruction of german secret service. A document of the german government
that was shown in the report prooves that over 1 Million Marks invisted to
help build up the Albanian police, with the aim of "stabilising the inner
security" of the country. Military help was also granted, which reached
its climax in October 1996, when german and albanian troops carried out a
maneuver together to prepare a mission in Bosnia.
 Finally, the two above named foundations supported Berisha and refused to
co-operate with any other political party or organisations in Albania.
They helped to formulate the wording of the elections-law that enabled
Berisha to manipulate the elections and seize power. With this, the german
government has played a vital role in introducing and helping to hold an
anti-democratic, authoritarian regime in Albania.


*"The socialists are fighting for democracy"*
excerpts of an Interview with Luigi Perrone, Professor for interethical
relationships at the University of Lecce in Italy. The Interview was
published in the Friday, 21. March issue of the german left-wing communist
daily newspaper JUNGE WELT (Young World). Translation by A-Infos.

"Q: How do you see the current interior political situation in Albania?
A: President Berisha is trying to present Albania as a chaotic country.
However, this is not correct in that way. The secret service opened the
weapons depots. That is how organised Gangs could arm themselves and cause
chaos. And through this a military intervention of the west is to be
provoked. But in the south the socialists are fighting for democracy. Of
course the italian embassador knows everything about Berishas dirty
business - he has protected him. The italian president even gave him the
honory title of "Cavaliere".
Q: Berisha was also supported by other european states for a long time.
A: Basically, there are two political alternatives: Either a military
intervention that replaces Berisha in his position. Or a direct dialogue
with the democrats. But the albanian society has not seen any democracy
yet. So you need to first make room for it first. Of course, Berishas
authoritarian regime can not do this. Thats why the europeans have
concentrated on the government of national unity, led by the socialist
Bashkim Fino lately. But only, because they don t have anyone else. [...]
Q: How could the Albanians afford the emmigration? It is being said that
the transport costs about 600 Dollars per person.
A: A university professor earns 100 Dollar per month, the director of a
university 150 Dollar and a pensionar has 30 Dollars. The people must have
been prepared to do illegal businesses. [...]
Q: How do you judge Italies treatment of the refugees who have grown to
10.000 in the meantime?
A: The italian government is trying to scare off refugees. [...] They are
trying to discredit Albanians. Especially the mass media is stirring fears
of an invasion. They are drawing the picture of a people of criminals in
order to lower the Italians acceptance to take them up. And it is really
having an effect on the acceptance to take up refugees compared to that of
1991. [Interview: Cyrus Salimi-Asl, Neapel]"


*Berisha-clan threatens Fino*
excerpts from an article published on Friday, 21. of March in the german
left-wing communist daily JUNGE WELT (Young World). Translation by A-
Infos. Interesting about this article is that the former army general
Xhevat Kociu is no longer called all out leader of the insurgents as had
been the case in some reports lately but his leadership is restricted to
the military sector:

"The new Albanian ministerpresident was but under pressure from two sides
on Thursday: A northalbanian Group calling itself Comitee of National
Salvation and presumably consists of Berisha-followers threatened with
force in case he should meet with the insurgents in the south.
 Those let the Ultimatum in which they had called on Berisha to resign go
by on thursday. However, the military leader of the insurgents, Xhevat
Kociu, said that Fino would only receive support if he spoke out for
Berishas resignation.
 Fino cancelled a meeting with the insurgents from the south. For the
first time he has announced willingness for non-aggression. As a sign of
the return to normality the re-opening of the international airport in
Tirana was announced. [...]"

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