File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1998/aut-op-sy.9805, message 40

Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 12:43:12 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Harry M. Cleaver" <>
Subject: AUT: P.Linebaugh:Incomplete, True & Wonderful History of Mayday (Green & Red)

Folks: What follows is the text (minus images) of a pamphlet produced by
historican Peter Linebaugh (THE LONDON HANGED) for May Day 1986. Unlike
most histories which begin with Haymarket, Linebaugh also celebrates the
older Green May Day. Enjoy.


The Incomplete, True, Authentic and Wonderful History of 


The little history that you're holding in your hand has grown from 
an earlier version published last year called "The Silent Speak."  
There's more information this year, thanks to conversations in 
Quincy with John Wilshire and Monty Neill and thanks to 
newspaper research by Jonathan Feldman and John Roosa.  Bryn 
Clark made a portable Maypole last year which we capered around at  
the Bank of Boston.  We were gratified by the interest shown by 
lunchtime workers but also struck by how widespread May Day 
amnesia had become.  So, this year we have added some 'how  to' 
sections, on games (p.5), on the Maypole (p. 11),and on getting to 
Merry Mount (p. 16), which we hope may make it more practical.  
Last year's May Day demonstration against Kruggerand gold 
encouraged us to add (an incomplete) list (p. 16) of the many May 
Day events this year.  We especially thank Gene Bruskin and Jim 
Green who have helped to plan the demo against apartheid and the 
centennial celebration at Faneuil Hall, respectively.  Dana Moser 
helped with the graphics.  Hohn Flym, DeAnn Burrows, Mike 
Ryan, and friends in Texas, Rochester, Nigeria, Big Indian, 
Somerville, Belize, and Tufnell Park have provided support and 
encouragement.  And thanks to the workers at Copy Cop.

In San Francisco, they used to say that if you didn't like the history 
we have so far, go out and make some that you do like.  The same 
can be said of this story, so if it is to continue to grow please submit 
new contributions for next year to Peter Linebaugh, 16 Netherlands 
Road, Brookline, Mass.  02146.(No longer valid, Peter is now in Dept of
History, University of Toledo, Toledo.)

May First, 1986.

A Beginning

	The Soviet government parades missiles and marches 
soldiers on May Day.  The American government has called May 
First "Loyalty Day" and associates it with militarism.  The real 
meaning of this day has been obscured by the designing propaganda 
of both governments.  The truth of May Day is totally different.  To 
the history of May Day there is a Green side and there is a Red side.

	Under the rainbow, our methodology must be colorful.  
Green is a relationship to the earth and what grows therefrom.  Red 
is a relationship to other people and the blood spilt there among.  
Green designates life with only necessary labor; Red designates 
death with surplus labor.  Green is natural appropriation; Red is 
social expropriation.  Green is husbandry and nurturance; Red is 
proletarianization and prostitution.  Green is useful activity; Red is 
useless toil.  Green is creation of desire; Red is class struggle.  May 
Day is both.


	Once upon a time, long before Weinberger bombed north 
Africans, before the Bank of Boston laundered money, or Reagan 
honored the Nazi war dead, the earth was blanketed by a broad 
mantle of forests.  As late as Caesar's time a person might travel 
through the woods for two months without gaining an unobstructed 
view of the sky.  The immense forests of Europe, Asia, Africa, and 
America provided the atmosphere with oxygen and the earth with 
nutrients.  Within the woodland ecology our ancestors did not have 
to work the graveyard shift, or to deal with flexitime, or work from 
Nine to Five.  Indeed, the native Americans whom Captain John 
Smith encountered in 1606 only worked four hours a week.  The 
origin of May Day is to be found in the Woodland Epoch of 

	In Europe, as in Africa, people honored the woods in many 
ways.  With the leafing of the trees in spring, people celebrated "the 
fructifying spirit of vegetation," to use the phrase of J.G. Frazer, the 
anthropologist.  They did this in May, a month named after Maia, 
the mother of all the gods according to the ancient Greeks, giving 
birth even to Zeus.

	The Greeks had their sacred groves, the Druids their oak 
worship, the Romans their games in honor of Floralia.  In Scotland 
the herdsman formed circles and danced around fires.  The Celts lit 
bonfires in hilltops to honor their god, Beltane.  In the Tyrol people 
let their dogs bark and made music with pots and pans.  In 
Scandinavia  fires were lit and the witches came out.

	Everywhere people "went a-Maying" by going into the 
woods and bringing back leaf, bough, and blossom to decorate their 
persons, homes, and loved ones with green garlands.  Outside 
theater was performed with characters like "Jack-in-the-Green" and 
the "Queen of the May."  Trees were planted.  Maypoles were 
erected.  Dances were danced.  Music was played. Drinks were 
drunk, and love was made.  Winter was over, spring had sprung.

	The history of these customs is complex and affords the 
student of the past with many interesting insights into the history of 
religion, gender, reproduction, and village ecology.  Take Joan of 
Arc who was burned in May 1431.  Her inquisitors believed she 
was a witch.  Not far from her birthplace, she told the judges, "there 
is a tree that they call 'The Ladies Tree' - others call it 'The Fairies 
Tree.'   It is  a beautiful tree, from which comes the Maypole.  I 
have somtimes been to play with the young girls to make garlands  
for Our Lady of Domremy.  Often I have heard the old folk say that 
the fairies haunt this tree...."  In the general indictment against Joan, 
one of the particulars against her was dressing like a man.  The 
paganism of Joan's heresy originated in the Old Stone Age when 
religion was animistic and hamans were women and men.

	Monotheism arose with the Mediterranean empires.  Even 
the most powerful Roman Empire had to make deals with its 
conquered and enslaved peoples (syncretism).  As it destroyed some 
customs, it had to accept or transform others.  Thus, we have 
Christmas Trees.  May Day became a day to honor the saints, Philip 
and James, who were unwilling slaves to Empire.  James the Less 
neither drank nor shaved.  He spent so much time praying that he 
developed huge callouses on his knees, likening them to camel legs.  
Philip was a lazy guy.  When Jesus said "Follow me"  Philip tried to 
get out of it  by saying he had to tend to his father's funeral, and it 
was to this excuse that the Carpenter's son made his famous reply, 
"Let the dead bury the dead."  James was stoned to death, and Philip 
was crucified head downwards.  Their martyrdom introduces the 
Red side of the story, even still the Green side is preserved because, 
according to the Floral Directory, the tulip is dedicted to Philip and 
bachelor buttons to James.

	The farmers, workers, and child-bearers (laborers) of the 
Middle Ages had hundreds of holy days which preserved the May 
Green, despite the attack on peasants and witches.  Despite the 
complexities, whether May Day was observed by sacred or profane 
ritual, by pagan or Christian, by magic or not, by straights or gays, 
by gentle or calloused hands, it was always a celebration of all that 
is free and life-giving in the world.  That is the Green side of the 
story.  Whatever else it was, it was not a time to work.

	Therefore, it was attacked by the authorities.  The repression 
had begun with the burning of women and it continued in the 16th 
century when America was "discovered," the slave trade was begun, 
and nation-states and capitalism were formed.  In 1550 an Act of 
Parliament  demanded that Maypoles be destroyed, and it outlawed 
games.  In 1644 the Puritans in England abolished May Day 
altogether.  To these work-ethicists the festival was obnoxious for 
paganism and worldiness.   Philip Stubs, for example, in Anatomy 
of Abuses (1585) wrote of the Maypole, "and then fall they to 
banquet and feast, to leape and daunce about it, as the Heathen 
people did at the dedication of their Idolles."  When a Puritan 
mentioned "heathen" we know genocide was not far away.  
According to the excellent slide show at the Quincy Historical 
Society, 90% of the Massachusetts people, including chief 
Chicatabat, died from chicken pox or small pox a few years after the 
Puritans landed in 1619.  The Puritans also objected to the 
unrepressed sexuality of the day.  Stubs said, "of fourtie, 
threescore, or an hundred maides going to the wood, there have 
scarcely the third part of them returned home again as they went."

	The people resisted the repressions.  Thenceforth, they 
called their May sports, the "Robin Hood Games."  Capering about 
with sprigs of hawthorn in their hair and bells jangling from their 
knees, the ancient charaders of May were transformed into an 
outlaw community, Maid Marions and Little Johns.  The May feast 
was presided over by the "Lord of Misrule," "the King of 
Unreason," or the "Abbot of Inobedience."  Washington Irving was 
later to write that the feeling for May "has become chilled by habits 
of gain and traffic."  As the gainers and traffickers sought to impose 
the regimen of monotonous work, the people responded to preserve 
their holyday.  Thus began in earnest the Red side of the story of 
May Day.  The struggle was brought to Massachusetts in 1626.


	In 1625 Captain Wollaston, Thomas Morton, and thirty 
others sailed from England and months later, taking their bearings 
from a red cedar tree, they disembarked in Quincy Bay.  A year later 
Wollaston, impatient for lucre and gain, left for good to Virginia.  
Thomas Morton settled in Passonaggessit which he named Merry 
Mount.  The land seemed a "Paradise" to him.  He wrote, there are 
"fowls in abundance, fish in multitudes, and I discovered besides, 
millions of turtle doves on the green boughs, which sat pecking of 
the full, ripe, pleasant grapes that were supported by the lusty trees, 
whose fruitful load did cause the arms to bend."

	On May Day, 1627, he and his Indian friends, stirred by the 
sound of drums, erected a Maypole eighty feet high, decorated it 
with garlands, wrapped it in ribbons, and nailed to its top the antlers 
of a buck.  Later he wrote that he "sett up a Maypole upon the 
festival day of Philip and James, and therefore brewed a barrell of 
excellent beare."  A ganymede sang a Bacchanalian song.  Morton 
attached to the pole the first lyric verses penned in America which 

With the proclamation that the first of May 
At Merry Mount shall be kept holly day

	The Puritans at Plymouth were opposed to the May Day.  
they called the Maypole "an Idoll" and named Merry Mount "Mount 
Dagon" after the god of the first ocean-going imperialist, the 
Phoenicians.  More likely, though the Puritans were the  imperialist, 
not Morton, who worked with slaves, servants, and native 
Americans, person to person.  Everyone was equal in his "social 
contract."  Governor Bradford wrote, "they allso set up a Maypole, 
drinking and dancing aboute it many days together, inviting the 
Indean women for thier consorts, dancing and frisking togither (like 
so many faires, or furies rather) and worse practise."

	Merry Mount became a refuge for Indians, the discontented, 
gay people, runaway servants, and what the governor called "all the 
scume of the countrie."  When the authorities reminded him that his 
actions violated the King's Proclamation, Morton replied that it was 
"no law."   Miles Standish, whom Morton called "Mr. Shrimp," 
attacked.  The Maypole was cut down.  The settlement was burned.  
Morton's goods were confiscated, he was chained in the bilboes, 
and ostracized to England aboard the ship "The Gift," at a cost the 
Purtans complained of twelve pounds seven shillings.  The rainbow 
coalition of Merry Mount was thus destroyed for the time being.  
That Merry Mount later (1636) became associated with Anne 
Hutchinson, the famous mid-wife, spirtualist, and feminist, surely 
was more than coincidental.  Her brother-in-law ran the Chapel of 
Ease.  She thought that god loved everybody, regardless of their 
sins.  She doubted the Puritans' authority to make law.  A statue of 
Robert Burns in Quincy near to Merry Mount, quotes the poet's 

A fig for those by law protected!
Liberty's a glorious feast!
Courts for cowards were erected,
Churches built to please the priest.

	Thomas Morton was a thorn in the side of the Boston and 
Plymouth Puritans, because he had an alternate vision of 
Massachusetts.  He was impressed by its fertility; they by its 
scarcity.  He befriended the Indians; they shuddered at the thought.  
He was egalitarian; they proclaimed themselves the "Elect".  He 
freed servants; they lived off them.  He armed the Indians; they used 
arms against Indians.  To Nathaniel Hawthorne, the destiny of 
American settlement was decided at Merry Mount.  Casting the 
struggle as mirth vs. gloom, grizzly saints vs. gay sinners, green 
vs. iron, it was the Puritans who won, and the fate of America was 
determined in favor of psalm-singing, Indian-scalpers whose notion 
of the Maypole was a whipping post.

	Parts of the past live, parts die.  The red cedar that drew 
Morton first to Merry Mount blew down in the gale of 1898.  A 
section of it, about eight feet of its trunk became a power fetish in 
1919, placed as it was next to the President's chair of the Quincy 
City Council.  Interested parties may now view it in the Quincy 
Historical Museum.  Living trees, however, have since grown, 
despite the closure of the ship-yards.


	In England the attacks on May Day were a necessary part of 
the wearisome, unending attempt to establish industrial work 
discipline.  The attempt was led by the Puritans with their belief that 
toil was godly and less toil wicked.  Absolute surplus value could be 
increased only by increasing the hours of labor and abolishing 
holydays.  A parson wrote a piece of work propaganda called 
Funebria Florae, Or the Downfall of the May Games.  He attacked, 
"ignorants, atheists, papists, drunkards, swearers, swashbucklers, 
maid-marians, morrice-dancers, maskers, mummers, Maypole 
stealers, health-drinkers, together with a rapscallion rout of fiddlers, 
fools fighters, gamesters, lewd-women, light-women, contemmers 
of magistracy, affronters of ministry, disobedients to parents, 
misspenders of time, and abusers of the creature, &c."

	At about this time, Isaac Newton, the gravitationist and 
machinist of time, said work was a law of planets and apples alike.  
Thus work ceased to be merely the ideology of the Puritans, it 
became a law of the universe.  In 1717 Newton purchased London's 
hundred foot Maypole and used it to prop up his telescope.

	Chimney sweeps and dairy maids led the resistance.  The 
sweeps dressed up as women on May Day, or put on aristocratic 
perriwigs.  They sang songs and collected money.  When the Earl of 
Bute in 1763 refused to pay, the opprobrium was so great that he 
was forced to resign.  Milk maids used to go a-Maying by dressing 
in floral garlands, dancing and getting the dairymen to distribute 
their milk-yield freely.  Soot and milk workers thus helped to retain 
the holyday right into the industrial revolution.

	The ruling class used the day for its own purposes.  Thus, 
when Parliament was forced to abolish slavery in the British 
dominions, it did so on May Day 1807.  In 1820 the Cato Street 
conspirators plotted to destroy the British cabinet while it was 
having dinner.  Irish, Jamaican, and Cockney were hanged for the 
attempt on May Day 1820.  A conspirator wrote his wife saying 
"justice and liberty have taken their flight... to other distant shores."  
He meant America, where Boston Brahmin, Robber Baron, and 
Southern Plantocrat divided and ruled an arching rainbow of people.

	Two bands of that rainbow came from English and Irish 
islands.  One was Green.  Robert Owen, union leader, socialist, and 
founder of utopian communities in America, announced the 
beginning of the millenium after May Day 1833.  The other was 
Red. On May Day 1830, a founder of the Knights of Labor, the 
United Mine Workers of America, and the Wobblies was born in 
Ireland,  Mary Harris Jones, a.k.a., "Mother Jones."  She was a 
Maia of the American working class.

	May Day continued to be commemorated in America, one 
way or another, despite the victory of the Purtians at Merry Mount.  
On May Day 1779 the revolutionaries of Boston confiscated the 
estates of "enemies of Liberty."  On May Day 1808 "twenty 
different dancing groups of the wretched Africans" in New Orleans 
danced to the tunes of their own drums until sunset when the slave 
patrols showed themselves with their cutlasses.  "The principal 
dancers or leaders are dressed in a variety of wild and savage 
fashions, always ornamented with a number of tails of the small 
wild beasts," observed a strolling white man.


May First

Dawn:	Morris Dancers on pedestrian bridge over Charles.
9:00:	Sacco & Vanzetti Debate, C.P.C.S.
11:00:	Maypole Games & Poetry, UMass/Boston.
12:00:	Parade from Commons, Mass. College of Art.
2:00:	Cruise to Merry Mount, inquire of Pre-Law Society 
Afternoon:	March & Demo against apartheid, boycott Shell.
Evening:	Dragon Dance at UMass/Boston.  Other dances.

May Second

7:30:	Margo Adler, witch, speaks on "Neo-Paganism" at the 
Interface Center, 	Watertown.
7:30:	Faneuil Hall, Labor Remembers:  100th Anniversary of the 
Great Hour-	Strike.


Visiting Merry Mount:  If driving take Rte.3A to Butler Road or 
Merry Mount Road and go up to Samoset Ave.  If taking the T get 
off at Qunicy Center and stroll up Coddington or Hancock St.  On 
the map opposite, x marks the spot.


	The history of the modern May Day originates in the center 
of the North American plains, at Haymarket, in Chicago - "the city 
on the make" - in May 1886.  The Red side of that story is more 
well-known than the Green, because it was bloody.  But there was 
also a Green side to the tale, though the green was not so much that 
of pretty grass garlands, as it was of greenbacks, for in Chicago, it 
was said, the dollar is king.

	Of course the prairies are green in May.  Virgin soil, dark, 
brown, crumbling, shot with fine black sand, it was the produce of 
thousands of years of humus and organic decomposition.  For many 
centuries this earth was husbanded by the native Americans of the 
plains.  As Black Elk said theirs is "the story of all life that is holy 
and is good to tell, and of us two-leggeds sharing in it with the four-
leggeds and the wings of the air and all green things; for these are 
children of one mother and their father is one Spirit."  From such a 
green perspective, the white men appeared as pharoahs, and indeed, 
as Abe Lincoln put it, these prairies were the "Egypt of the West".

	The land was mechanized.  Relative surplus value could only 
be obtained by reducing the price of food.  The proteins and 
vitamins of this fertile earth spread through the whole world.  
Chicago was the jugular vein.  Cyrus McCormick wielded the 
surgeon's knife.  His mechanical reapers harvested the grasses and 
grains.  McCormick produced 1,500 reapers in 1849; by 1884 he 
was producing 80,000.  Not that McCormick actually made reapers, 
members of the Molders Union Local 23 did that, and on May Day 
1867 they went on strike, starting the Eight Hour Movement.

	A staggering transformation was wrought.  It was:  
"Farewell" to the hammer and sickle. "Goodby" to the cradle scythe.  
"So long" to Emerson's man with the hoe.   These now became the 
artifacts of nostalgia and romance.  It became "Hello" to the hobo.  
"Move on" to the harvest stiffs.  "Line up" the proletarians.  Such 
were the new commands of civilization.

	Thousands of immigrants, many from Germany, poured into 
Chicago after the Civil War.  Class war was advanced, technically 
and logistically.  In 1855 the Chicago police used Gatling guns 
against the workers who protested the closing of the beer gardens.  
In the Bread Riot of 1872 the police clubbed hungry people in a 
tunnel under the river.  In the 1877 railway strike, Federal troops 
fought workers at "The Battle of the Viaduct."  These troops were 
recently seasoned from fighting the Sioux who had killed Custer.  
Henceforth, the defeated Sioux could only "Go to a mountain top 
and cry for a vision."  The Pinkerton Detective Agency put visions 
into practice by teaching the city police how to spy and to form 
fighting columns for deployment in city streets.  A hundred years 
ago during the street car strike, the police issued a shoot-to-kill 

	McCormick cut wages 15%.  His profit rate was 71%.  In 
May 1886 four molders whom McCormick locked-out was shot 
dead by the police.  Thus, did this 'grim reaper' maintain his profits.

	Nationally, May First 1886 was important because  a couple 
of years earlier the Federation of Organized Trade and Labor Unions 
of the United States and Canada, "RESOLVED... that eight hours 
shall constitute a legal day's labor, from and after May 1, 1886.

	On 4 May 1886 several thousand people gathered near 
Haymarket Square to hear what August Spies, a newspaperman, 
had to say about the shootings at the McCormick works.  Albert 
Parsons, a typographer and labor leader spoke next.  Later, at his 
trial, he said, "What is Socialism or Anarchism?  Briefly stated it is 
the right of the toilers to the free and equal use of the tools of 
production and the right of the producers to their product."  He was 
followed by "Good-Natured Sam" Fielden who as a child had 
worked in the textile factories of Lancashire, England.  He was  a 
Methodist preacher and labor organizer.  He got done speaking at 
10:30 PM.    At that time 176 policemen  charged the crowd that had 
dwindled to about 200.  An unknown hand threw a stick of 
dynamite, the first time that Alfred Nobel's invention was used in 
class battle.

	All hell broke lose, many were killed, and the rest is history.

	"Make the raids first and look up the law afterwards," was 
the Sheriff's dictum.  It was followed religiously across the country.  
Newspaper screamed for blood, homes were ransacked, and 
suspects were subjected to the "third degree."  Eight men were 
railroaded in Chicago at a farcical trial.  Four men hanged on "Black 
Friday,"  11 November 1887.

	"There will come a time when our silence will be more 
powerful than the voices you strangle today,"  said Spies before he 


	Lucy Parsons, widowed by Chicago's "just-us," was born 
in Texas.  She was partly Afro-American, partly native American, 
and partly Hispanic.  She set out to tell the world the true story "of 
one whose only crime was that he lived in advance of his time."  
She went to England and encouraged English workers to make May 
Day an international holiday for shortening the hours of work.  Her 
friend, William Morris, wrote a poem called "May Day."


They are few, we are many:  and yet, O our Mother,
Many years were  wordless and nought was our deed,
But now the word flitteth from brother to brother:  
	We have furrowed the acres and scattered the seed.


	Win on then unyielding, through fair and foul weather,
	And pass not a day that your deed shall avail.
And in hope every spring-tide come gather together
	That unto the Earth ye may tell all your tale.

	Her work was not in vain.  May Day, or "The Day of the 
Chicago Martyrs" as it is still called in Mexico "belongs to the 
working class and is dedicated to the revolution," as Eugene Debs 
put it in his May Day editorial of 1907.  The A. F. of L. declared it a 
holiday.  Sam Gompers sent an emissary to Europe to have it 
proclaimed an international labor day.  Both the Knights of Labor 
and the Second International officially adopted the day.  Bismarck, 
on the other hand, outlawed May Day.  President Grover Cleveland 
announced that the first Monday in September would be Labor Day 
in America, as he tried to divide the international working class.  
Huge numbers were out of work, and they began marching.  Under 
the generalship of Jacob Coxey they descended on Washington D. 
C. on May Day 1894, the first big march on Washington.  Two 
years later across the world Lenin wrote an important May Day 
pamphlet for the Russian factory workers in 1896.  The Russian 
Revolution of 1905 began on May Day.

	With the success of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution the Red 
side of May Day became scarlet, crimson, for ten million people 
were slaughtered in World War I.  The end of the war brought work 
stoppings, general strikes, and insurrections all over the world, 
from Mexico to Kenya, from China to France.  In Boston on May 
Day 1919 the young telephone workers threatened to strike, and 
20,000 workers in Lawrence went on strike again for the 8-hour 
day.  There were fierce clashes between working people and police 
in Cleveland as well as in other cities on May Day of that year.  A lot 
of socialists, anarchists, bolsheviks, wobblies and other "I-Won't-
Workers," ended up in jail as a result.

	This didn't get them down.  At "Wire City," as they called 
the federal pen at Fort Leavenworth, there was a grand parade and 
no work on May Day 1919.  Pictures of Lenine and Lincoln were 
tied to the end of broom sticks and held afloat.  There speeches and 
songs.  The Liberator supplies us with an account of the day, but it 
does not tell us who won the Wobbly-Socialist horseshoe throwing 
contest.    Nor does it tell us what happened to the soldier caught 
waving a red ribbon from the guards' barracks.  Meanwhile, one 
mile underground in the copper mines of Bisbee where there are no 
national boundaries, Spanish-speaking Americans were singing 
"The International" on May Day.

	In the 1920s and 1930s the day was celebrated by  union 
organizers, the unemployed, and determined workers.  In New 
York City the big May Day celebration was held in Union Square.  
In the 1930s Lucy Parsons marched in Chicago at May Day with her 
young friend, Studs Terkel.  May Day 1946 the Arabs began a 
general strike in Palestine, and the Jews of the Displaced Persons 
Camps in Landsberg, Germany, went on hunger strike.  On May 
Day 1947 auto workers in Paris downed tools, an insurrection in 
Paraguay broke out, the Mafia killed six May Day marchers in 
Sicily, and the Boston Parks Commissioner said that this was the 
first year in living memory when neither Communist nor Socialist 
had applied for a permit to rally on the Common.

	1968 was a good year for May Day.  Allen Ginsberg was 
made the"Lord of Misrule" in Prague before the Russians got there.  
In London hundreds of students lobbied Parliament against a bill to 
stop Third World immigration into England.  In Mississippi police 
could not prevent 350 Black students from supporting their jailed 
friends.  At Columbia University thousands of students petitioned 
against armed police on campus.  In Detroit with the help of the 
Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement, the first wildcat strike in 
fifteen years took place at the Hamtramck Assembly plant (Dodge 
Main), against  speed-up.  In Cambridge, Mass., Black leaders 
advocated police reforms while in New York the Mayor signed a bill 
providing the police with the most sweeping "emergency" powers 
known in American history.  The climax to the '68 Mai was reached 
in France where there was a gigantic General Strike under strange 
slogans such as 

Parlez a vos voisins!
L'Imagination prend le pouvoir!
Dessous les paves c'est la plage!

	On May Day in 1971 President Nixon couldn't sleep.  He 
order 10,000 paratroopers and marines to Washington D.C. because 
he was afraid that some people calling themselves the May Day 
Tribe might succeed in their goal of blocking access to the 
Department of Justice.  In the Philippines four students were shot to 
death protesting the dictatorship.  In Boston Mayor White argued 
against the right of municipal workers, including the police, to 
withdraw their services, or stop working.  In May 1980 we may see 
Green themes in Mozambique where the workers lamented the 
absence of beer, or in Germany where three hundred women 
witches rampaged through Hamburg.  Red themes may be seen in 
the 30,000 Brazilian auto workers who struck, or in the 5.8 million 
Japanese who struck against inflation.

	On May Day 1980 the Green and Red themes were 
combined when a  former Buick auto-maker from Detroit, one "Mr. 
Toad," sat at a picnic table and penned the following lines,

	The eight hour day is not enough;
We are thinking of more and better stuff.
So here is our prayer and here is our plan,
We want what we want and we'll take what we can.

Down with wars both small and large,
Except for the ones where we're in charge:
Those are the wars of class against class,
Where we get a chance to kick some ass..

For air to breathe and water to drink,
And no more poison from the kitchen sink.
For land that's green and life that's saved
And less and less of the earth that's paved.

No more women who are less than free,
Or men who cannot learn to see
Their power steals their humanity
And makes us all less than we can be.

For teachers who learn and students who teach 
And schools that are kept beyond the reach
Of provosts and deans and chancellors and such
And Xerox and Kodak and Shell, Royal Dutch.

An end to shops that are dark and dingy,
An end to Bosses whether good or stingy,
An end to work that produces junk,
An end to junk that produces work,
And an end to all in charge - the jerks.

For all who dance and sing, loud cheers,
To the prophets of doom we send some jeers,
To our friends and lovers we give free beers,
And to all who are here, a day without fears.

So, on this first of May we all should say
That we will either make it or break it.
Or, to put this thought another way,
Let's take it easy, but let's take it.


	Yet, May Day was always a troubling day in America; some 
wished to forget it.  In 1939 Pennsylvania declared it "Americanism 
Day."  In 1947 Congress declared it to be "Loyalty Day."  Yet, these 
attempts to hide the meaning of the day have never succeeded.  As 
the Wobblies used to say, "We Won't Forget."

	Like in 1958, at the urging of Charles Rhyne, proclaimed 
May  First "Law Day/U.S.A."  As a result the politicians had 
another opportunity for bombast about the Cold War and to tout 
their own virtues.  Senator Javits, for instance, took a deep 
historical breath in May 1960 by saying American ideas were the 
highest "ever espoused since the dawn of civilization.  Governor 
Rockefeller of New York got right to his point by saying that the 
traditional May Day "bordered on treason."  As an activity for the 
day Senator Wiley recommended that people read Statute Books.  In 
preaching on "Obedience to Authority"  on May Day 1960, the 
Chaplain of the Senate believed it was the first time in the 20th 
century that the subject had been addressed.  He reminded people of 
the words carved on the courthouse in Worcester, Massachusetts:  
"Obedience to Law is Liberty."  He said God is "all law" and 
suggested we sing the hymn, "Make Me a Captive, Lord, and Then 
I shall be Free."  He complained that  TV shows made fun of cops 
and husbands.  He said God had become too maternal.

	Beneath the hypocrisy of such talk (at the time the Senate 
was rejecting the jurisdiction of the World Court), there were 
indications of the revolt in the kitchens.  In addition to the 
trumpeting Cold War overtones, frightened patriarchal undertones 
were essential to the Law Day music.  Indeed, it attempted to drown 
out both the Red and the Green.   Those who have to face the law 
and order music on a daily basis, the lawyers and the orderers, also 
have to make their own deals.

	Among the lawyers there are conservatives and liberals; they 
are generally ideologues.  On Law Day 1964 the President of the 
Connecticut Bar wrote against civil rights demonstrators, "corrupt" 
labor unions, "juvenile delinquency," and Liz Taylor!  William O. 
Douglas, on the other hand on Law Day 1962 warned against 
mimicking British imperialism and favored independence 
movements and the Peace Corps by saying "We need Michigan-in-
Nigeria, California-in-the-Congo, Columbia-in-Iran" which has 
come true, at least judging by what's written on sweat shirts around 
the world. Neither the conservative nor the liberal, however, said it 
should be a holiday for the lawyers, nor did they advocate the 8-
hour day for the workers of the legal apparatus.  In Boston only the 
New England School of Law, the Law and Justice Program at 
UMass., and the College of Public and Community Service 
celebrate the Green and the Red.

	Among the orderers (the police) Law Day isn't much of a 
holiday either.  Yet, police, men and women, all over the United 
States owe a lot to May Day and the Boston police.  It is true that 
more than 1,000 Boston men of blue lost their jobs owing to Calvin 
Coolidge's suppression of the Boston police strike of 1919.  They 
had been busy earlier in the summer during May Day.  At the same 
time there were lasting gains:  a small pay increase ($300 a year), 
shorter hours (73-90 a week had been the norm), and most 
important, free uniforms!


	Where is the Red and Green today?  Is it in Mao's Red 
Book?  or in Col. Khadafy's Green Book?  Some perhaps.  Leigh 
Hunt, the English essayist of the 19th century, wrote that May Day 
is "the union of the two best things in the world, the love of nature, 
and the love of each other."  Certainly, such green union is possible, 
because we all can imagine it, and we know that what is real now  
was once only imagined.  Just as certainly, that union can be 
realized only by red struggle, because there is no gain without pain, 
as the aerobiticians say, or no dreams without responsibility, no 
birth without labor, no green without red.

	The children used to celebrate May Day.  I think schools 
stopped encouraging them sometime around when "Law Day" was 
created, but I'm not sure.  A correspondent from East Arlington, 
Mass., writes that in the late 1940s,  "On any given Saturday in 
May, anywhere from 10-30 children would dress up in crepe paper 
costumes (hats, shirts, &c.); we would pick baskets of flowers and 
parade up and down several streets (until the flowers ran out!)  The 
whole time we would be chanting,  'May Party, May Party, rah, 
rah, rah!'.  A leader would be chosen, but I don't remember how.  
(Probably by throwing fingers out).  Then, we would parade up to 
Spy Pond at the edge of the Center off Lake Street and have a picnic 
lunch."  This correspondent now teaches kindergarten.  "In recent 
years," she continues, "I have always decorated a May Pole for my 
kindergarten class (they do the decorations actually), and we  would 
dance around it.  It would always attract attention from the older 


The best way to learn more is to participate in May Day activities and 
to talk to your neighbors.  Using your library's newspaper 
collection, talking to school teachers, and getting people to talk 
about their childhood, their strikes, and their working conditions are 
good ways too.  For those who wish to read more, here are  few 

William Adelman, HAYMARKET REVISITED (Illinois Labor 
History  Society, 1976); Charles Francis Adams, THREE 
Jeremy Brecher, Strike!  (1972); R. Chambers, THE BOOK OF 
(1936); J.G. Frazer, THE GOLDEN BOUGH:  A STUDY OF 
COMPARATIVE RELIGION (1890); James R. Green and Hugh 
Public Library, 1979); Jane Hatch, THE AMERICAN BOOK OF 
DAYS, (1976); William Hone, THE EVERY-DAY BOOK (1824); 
Thomas Morton, THE NEW ENGLISH CANAAN (1637);  
WORKING CLASS (1963); Alexander Trachtenberg, THE 
HISTORY OF MAY DAY (1947);  Midnight Notes,  THE 

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