Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 12:19:40 +1000 Subject: AUT: Negri article The following can be found at Le Monde Diplomatique's web site: > BETWEEN "HISTORIC COMPROMISE" AND TERRORISM > > Reviewing the experience of Italy in the 1970s * > > by Toni Negri > > Toni Negri was one of the historic leadership of the Italian > revolutionary group Potere Operaio and is currently serving a > prison sentence in Rebibbia prison, Rome. Negri gave himself up on > 1 July 1997 after 14 years' exile in Paris in a bid to close a > chapter in his own personal "judicial history" and that of other > far-left militants still in exile. Now waiting for a general > remission (indulto) from the Italian parliament which has not as > yet materialised, he was allowed to work on day-release at the end > of July. In the following article, he recalls the political > experience of the 1970s in Italy. > > > Translated by Ed Emery --- from list ---
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