Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 22:16:55 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: AUT: re: grundrisse etc discussion Sorry I must have accidentally sent the message again in replying to Harry. However, of the many important objections Harry made I find this to be the most important and indeed damaging to my argument. > . On the contrary because I see > captialist crisis as a crisis of class relations brought on by workers > struggles, I think that waiting around of "objective" conditions won't > help much, better to get on with producing those conditions through our > struggles. Yet then in the absence of militant working class struggles you are predicting that crises will never break out? I think we should be absolutely clear that capital cannot promise us peace or employment even for our silence and cooperation and generally good behavior. Some simple value theoretic analysis based indeed on the capital labor relation in abstraction from competition would reveal that capital will find itself in the midst of crises it cannot understand even if the industrial working class remains passive. I guess my difference is simple: many autonomists brilliantly attempt to focus attention away from the anarchy of capitalism (where Brenner's eyes are) and on to the capital-labor dynamic. As Angela said, those who focused on the anarchy of capitalism were basically see bourgeois society from the eyes of future technocratic planners. I think the mistake here is that in abstracting from capitalist competition, there has been a tendency to imagine capital as a unified power which actually has the power to plan society on its behalf as long as the working class does not interfere. I just don't think we have to move from a correct subordination of capitalist competition to the belief that capital can control or decides upon the outbreak of economic crises in order to discipline the working class. This is doubtless true in some cases, but in other cases all capitalist plans to control society on its behalf come to nought even as the working class stands remains relatively passive. Harry, I am trying to bend the stick in the other direction; I do the goal should be to transcend (!) the subjective/objective duality. best, rakesh --- from list ---
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