Date: Thu, 17 Sep 1998 09:47:56 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: AUT: re: grundrisse etc discussion On Wed, 16 Sep 1998, Geoffrey J McDonald wrote: > Professor Cleaver wrote: > > > Rakesh: Yes, very objectivistically, indeed. I wonder why you bother with > > this list which has so few objectivists, if any, besides yourself? > > Some people are interested in exchanging ideas and learning from people who > don't see things exactly the same way they do. Talk about "solipsism". > > Geoff > Geoff: First, do you see me using the title "professor" anywhere? Please don't. This supposed to be a relatively friendly forum. As for your sarcastic remark about "Some people are interested in exchanging ideas and learning from people who don't see things exactly the same way they do. Talk about "solipsism"." Isn't it obvious to you that I have been willing to "exchange ideas" with people "who don't see things exactly the same way" I do? What do you think I have been doing with Rakesh, or Haines, or Angela? They are on this list, this aut-op-sy list, which had a purpose in its origins that I agreed with. At various times I have wondered why certain people choose to be here when they are so obviously at cross purposes with the objectives of the list. An exercise in mental jousting to sharpen their wits in repartee? A desire to test their ideas against those with quite different ideas? Evangilism? I give thought to such questions as I pick and choose where and how to intervene. I suppose others do as well. My question was not snide, I was genuinely curious. Harry ............................................................................ Harry Cleaver Department of Economics University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 78712-1173 USA Phone Numbers: (hm) (512) 478-8427 (off) (512) 475-8535 Fax:(512) 471-3510 E-mail: Cleaver homepage: Chiapas95 homepage: Accion Zapatista homepage: ............................................................................ --- from list ---
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