File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1998/aut-op-sy.9809, message 118

Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 01:56:19 +1000
Subject: Re: AUT: RE:kastaficas

Thano Maceo Paris wrote:
> In "The Subversion of Politics: European Autonomous Movements And The
> Decolonization of Everyday Life" George Kastaficas makes a number of
> criticisms of Negri, as well as Harry Cleaver and Michael Ryan. The basic
> thrust of his criticism of Negri is that Negri's thought subsumes or
> characterizes a range of social relations under the category of
> work/production. Kastaficas favors a view that would hold class, race &
> gender relations as seperate, without one determining the others, or as
> primary, or (*it seems*) as tying them together (e.g concepts of "work" or
> "reproduction").
> Kastaficas seems to be articulating a position similar to that of Chomsky,
> Cagan, Albert et al. in "Liberating Theory", where they draw on the new
> physics associated with the thought of Ilya Prigogine, Stengers and others
> to elaborate a political theory that derides a one-exclusive central
> dynamic driving social relations. Is anyone out there aware of any
> responses to Kastaficas on this?

hello thano,

where is this article printed (if)?

do you have it on disk and can send through the lines?


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