Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 19:09:55 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: AUT:Peter Kropotkin On Fri, 25 Sep 1998, Richard Singer wrote: > Harry Cleaver wrote: > > >Pyotr Kropotkin is probably (along with Bakunin) the most famous of all > >the Russian Anarchists. He was born into nobility, sat on the Czar's knee, <snip> > What's your take on his support of WWI? Some people say he was kind > of losing it in his later years. Do you think that was the case? > Richard Singer > Richard: I've never really looked into it very closely. He seems to have been almost universally condemned for it. > > > P.S. The paper sounds very interesting... I've noted the many similarities > between Bakunin and the early Marx, but I haven't yet delved into Kropotkin > in this way. Anyway, have you, by chance, put any of this paper on the Web, > or do you plan to in the future? > Richard: I THINK its on my web page but I'm working right now on my brother's PC laptop and I'd have to get out of telnet and into netscape to verify. I'll do that tomorrow. I also haven't done the kind of work on Bakunin that Idid on Kropotkin. Have you written up your observations? Rubel seems to have spent part of his life working the interface between Marxism and Anarchism. I have a interesting piece of his called (in French) Marx: theoretician of anarchism. Harry ............................................................................ Harry Cleaver Department of Economics University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 78712-1173 USA Phone Numbers: (hm) (512) 478-8427 (off) (512) 475-8535 Fax:(512) 471-3510 E-mail: Cleaver homepage: Chiapas95 homepage: Accion Zapatista homepage: ............................................................................ --- from list ---
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