File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1998/aut-op-sy.9809, message 183

Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 17:22:04 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: AUT: Andre Gorz

Richard-regarding Gorz you might also check out "Ecology As Politics",
"Paths To Liberation", "Strategy for Labor" (which influenced a
number of activists within the Students for a Democratic Society during
the 60's),"Farewell To the Working Class", and "Socialism And Revolution".
There have been two book length studies of Gorz that I'm aware
of-one a short pocket paperback "Andre Gorz", and the other "The Political
Thought of Andre Gorz" by Adrian Little which I've read sections of and am
not particularly sympathetic to. Nick Witherford gives a cursory but
strong critique of Gorz in "Autonomous Marxism And Information Technology"
in issue #52 of Capital And Class. Gorz also started out in
exsistentialist circles and wrote a two volume autobiography/novel called
"The Traitor" that delves into alot of that sort of stuff. By the way Gorz
is reformist up the ass and is a strong influence on the Greens. I think
Midnight Notes also published a critique of Gorz "The proletariat waves
bye bye" or something like that. 

Thano anarchy

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