File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1998/aut-op-sy.9809, message 19

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 06:15:37 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: AUT: Cochran Bill Vote in Senate on Star Wars Agenda

Dear NoFlyby Subscribers,

	Thanks for being on this list. We sent you an alert on the day before the
Senate was to vote on advancing the "Star Wars" agenda. At such short
notice, I can understand if hardly any of you called your Senators, but I
believed it was important to notify you of this critical legislation. The
following is a short report on it being defeated again by one vote, but it
looks like they plan to try again on Friday. Please consider calling the
Democrats who voted for the cloture to sway their critical votes away from
this escalation of the Star Wars platform and its costly affects to life and
health. The Capitol Switchboard number to reach them is 202-224-3121. 

Jonathan Haber
NoFlyby Site -
P/O/ Box 1999 Wendell Depot, MA 01380 USA
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Subject: Senate Defeats Cochran Missile Defense Bill
>From (John Isaacs)
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 1998 10:44:22 -0400 (EDT)

	The Senate defeat today of the motion to consider the Cochran missile bill
marked another blow for proponents of immediate deployment of a National
Missile Defense.
	The Senate voted 59 - 41 vote in favor of a Republican motion to debate the
bill; 60 votes were needed.  This is the second time this year the Senate
fell one vote short of considering the Cochran bill.
	 A motion to proceed to debate on the Cochran bill also won a 59 - 41
majority on May 13, 1998.
	In both cases, all 55 Republicans voted for the motion, as did Democrats
Akaka, Hollings, Inouye and Lieberman.
	Showing the seriousness with which Majority Leader Trent Lott views the
issue, he limited debate to 45 minutes.  Clearly Lott was more interested in
an election issue than passing a bill that could be adopted by the House and
signed by the President.
	Immediately before the vote, Lott filed another cloture motion to force
still a third vote on the Cochran bill on Friday.

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