Date: Tue, 29 Sep 1998 22:34:21 +1000 Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: AUT:Peter Kropotkin >The German autonomist tradition (with the exception of Wildcat) >has as far as I can see little in common with the autonomist tradition >with its roots in Italy. If Finland is not very different regards >this than the other Nordic countries, it is also the former which has >made it inroads there. Judging from what I've seen of it, I find the >German autonomist tradition rather elitist, authoritarian >and stupefying. But whatever my personal opinion, they seem to >be two quite different political animals. Harald, I've had a similar sense about the German autonomist tradition - partly from reading critiques of it translated from Wildcat - but I lack any real familiarity with the scene. Can you (and others) expand a little on the comments above? I understand that a German-language history of the movement - by Geronimo? - is now on-line, although I don't have the URL to hand . . . Steve --- from list ---
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