File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1998/aut-op-sy.9809, message 202

Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 10:49:45 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: AUT: Korea/Int'l. solidarity conference report (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 1998 22:18:27 +1000
From: Tom Patterson <tom-AT-QUEERNET.ORG>
Subject: Korea/Int'l. solidarity conference report

International Viewpoint * Inprecor * Inprekorr
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People's International Conference

Seoul, South Korea, 8-12 September 1998

The theme of "People Challenging the IMF: Neoliberalism, the IMF,
and International Solidarity" attracted together more than 200
people, including 35 delegates from overseas. They adopted the
following statement.

1. We, as the subjects of our own destiny and history, declare we
have begun to take control over our own lives.

2. We, activists and witnesses of a huge range of resistance to
neoliberalism globally, demand that all people be treated as
equals human beings regardless of gender, colour, age, class,
ethnicity, or beliefs.

3. Neoliberalism, with its destructive and murderous strategies,
with the maximisation of the wealth and power of TNCs and capital
as its end goal, causes splits between individuals, classes,
countries, and regions in the process of reducing people to mere
factors of production and consumption.

4. We reject the logic of profitability and competitiveness that
undermine human dignity and welfare and the earth as the source
of all life. Its adverse effects range from increased
unemployment, deprivation of rights and wealth, widespread
impoverishment, the commodification of people as migrant workers,
to the mass killings and genocide of indigenous people.

5. We recognise that the economic and political crisis provides
us with responsibility and opportunity to challenge the
neoliberal globalisation and seek genuine alternatives, so that
self-reliance is enhanced, livelihoods ensured, inequalities
eradicated, the environment adequately upheld, and
self-determination guaranteed.

6. We conference participants, coming from diverse backgrounds,
believe strengthening information, communication, and
understanding our diverse needs and experiences is the most
important task in building and shaping meaningful international
solidarity in shared aspiration.

7. The conference and its participants declare unconditional
solidarity with the Korean people in their challenge against the
IMF, the MAI, Structural Adjustment Programmes(deregulation,
liberalisation and privatisation), and all lay-offs. We demand
the immediate release of political prisoners everywhere,
including over 100 KCTU unionists, as well as the reinstatement
of those sacked for their trade union activities, and the
guarantee of full labour and human rights for migrant workers and
equal treatment of men and women at the workplace as well as in
the family and society generally. We also demand the total repeal
of the National Security Law and related legislation which has
been used as the central instrument of human rights encroachment
and political repression.

8. We also demand that the US military forces in Korea,
Bangladesh and the Philippines, under their appropriate
agreements, be pulled out immediately. The same action should
also be taken in other countries with similar situations for
these are the instruments of US imperialism to further oppress
and harass of the peoples of the world.

9. We recognise that this conference is only the first step, and
we confirm our commitment to continue working in solidarity to
achieve our common goals and to seek solidarity with like-minded
people and organisations, especially those victimised by IMF and
other neoliberal. policies

The conference culminated in a march against unemployment and the
IMF. 1,000 people held a rally at Chongmyo Park and marched along
Seoul's main street, Chongro.

Full conference materials can be consulted at:

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