Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 07:44:34 +1000 Subject: Re: AUT: Resistance in Nazi Germany Bob, have you looked at any of Tim Mason's writings? e.g. 'The Workers Opposition in Germany', _History Workshop Journal_ 9 (1979) And I imagine you've seen the Sergio Bologna article in _Common Sense_ 16. Plus, it sounds like there *might* be a useful chapter by Tobias Abse in =46ASCIST ITALY AND NAZI GERMANY: COMPARISONS AND CONTRASTS Edited by Richard Bessel Cambridge University Press xiv + 242pp. =A335 (hb). ISBN: 0-521-47711-5. =A312.95 (pb). ISBN: 0-521-47129-X =46inally, I found a review of the following Mason book at Tim Mason. Nazism, Fascism and the Working Class. Edited by Jane Caplan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Pp. x + 361. Cloth $59.95. ISBN 0-52143-212-X. Paper $18.95. ISBN 0-52143-787-3. Let us know what you find. Steve P.S. Somewhere (in the AK catalog?) I saw that a British circle had published a history of the Edelweiss gang . . . --- from list ---
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