File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1998/aut-op-sy.9809, message 26

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 09:10:44 +1000
Subject: AUT: Grundrisse/MBM


since I gather you're now "back", shall we start to examine some aspects of
the Grundrisse/Marx Beyond Marx?

Since I second Monty and Dave's suggestion that any such discussion be
integrated with an attempt to understand contemporary class composition and
struggle, I wonder how we might start?

Certainly one question I hope we can address is one raised in a phone
conversation a few days ago by a friend here in Melbourne: how useful (and
how verifiable) is the workerist/autonomist notion that capital's action
can be understood as *responses/reflexes* to working class initiative -
both on the micro level, and in terms of broad historical sweep (e.g. the
struggles of the sixties/seventies evoke the crisis/restructuring of the
seventies onwards)?

I know some (e.g. in Padova) argue that the cycle of
struggle/restructuring/accumulation has now been broken (which still begs
the question of what if any form it assumed in the past) . . . This debate
connects back to the Grundrisse/Marx Beyond Marx texts in the sense that
Negri insists that Marx's Capital lacks precisely a sense of working class
subjectivity in and against (and groping beyond) the class relation.


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