Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 09:45:34 +1000 Subject: AUT: LL:ART:War on Wharfies 6 Sep update >Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 14:24:30 +1000 >To: >From: >Subject: LL:ART:War on Wharfies 6 Sep update >Sender: >Precedence: bulk >Status: > > >Takver's Soapbox-War on the wharfies News > >News Summary - Sunday 6 September > >Non-union loaded ship - "Ever Gloria" - headed for Australia > >Be prepared to organise community pickets in solidarity with >Canadian unionists! >The next major assault on waterfront workers appears to be Canada. >Local 518 is being pushed off the docks via contracting out to >non-union outfits. Presently headed for Australia is the ship >"Ever Gloria". It is the first "hot" cargo ship to come out of this >dispute. The ship was held up for 24 hours in Portland (due to a job >action) then loaded and allowed to sail. The "Ever Gloria" is a >Panama registered bulker owned by First Steamship of Taiwan. > >Thus far 28 ILWU members have been arrested for "illegal picketing". > >Many North American dockworkers, unionists, and community >activists campaigned in solidarity with the Maritime Union in the recent > >dispute. The community picket in Los Angeles was highly effective in >preventing Australian scab loaded cargo being unloaded from the >Columbus Canada. Now it is our turn to demonstrate our solidarity! > >Source: Takver 6Sep98 >------------------------------------------- >20 Canadian waterfront workers arrested > >Do Whatever It Takes To Help Our Canadian Brothers & Sisters Win >This Fight! > >(Vancouver, British Columbia) ILWU Local 518, Samplers and Testers >is under attack. For the last 27 years sampling and testing work >performed on sulfur ships was done by ILWU Local 518. > >This all came to an end after Sultrans, a consortium of multi-national >oil >companies put the work out for bid. On Sunday , August 16 it was hello >CertiSpec, a brand new non-union oufit, and good-bye ILWU. Last >Tuesday (August 18), twelve, Local 518 members were arrested for >"illegal" picketing. Yesterday (August 20) eight more went to jail. The >union is demanding the work goes back to PKB Scania or SGS. Both are >union companies that have traditionally done this work and have been in >business for over 100 years. > >Short of this the union demands CertiSpec signs a union contract. >Neither >looks likely in the near future. > >Trials for the arrested unionists are scheduled for late October. All >have >been released on bail. > >The union sees this as a "first strike" by the employer in an effort to >oust >the ILWU altogether. The sampling and testing work is essential to the >sulfur trade. If it is not done, the cargo cannot be sold. > >The Canadian longshore contract expires December 31, 1998. The >employer is undoubtedly clearing the way to bring in non-union >longshoremen at the end of the year. The Canadian Area ILWU has a >number of future options planned (none of which they wish to reveal at >this time) and the fight is on its way to going global. > >The ITF is targeting all ship coming out of Canada involved in this >dispute. The "Ever Gloria" is scheduled to leave Vancouver and call at >the port of Longview (Oregon) to load potash. No actions are planned >but it's a safe bet Longview longshoremen, along with the rest of the >ILWU aren't going to take this lying down. > >This is it brothers and sisters. The fight has gone from Liverpool and >Australia to right next door! If you can't hear the war drums now YOUR >DEAF! The employers don't give a damn about you, your family, how >well you drive crane or anything else. They're out for blood in '99. >It's >the union that takes care of us. It always has and it aways will. AND WE > >ARE THE UNION! We need to realize this and prepare ourselves >accordingly! Start saving some of your good union wages, attend your >meetings and keep yourself informed about what is going on. > >In Short: ORGANIZE! Get Ready For 1999. DO WHATEVER IT >TAKES TO HELP OUR CANADIAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS WIN >THIS FIGHT! > >For Further Information From The Waterfront Worker Contact > > >Source: A-INFOS 26Aug98 >-- >Takver > Takver's Soapbox: > > War on the Wharfies: > > Visit the Jabiluka Blockade website: > > >-------------------------- > Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List > As vilified, slandered and attacked by One Nation > > > > Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop > Subscribe: >Unsubscribe: > > --- from list ---
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