Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 13:18:27 -0400 Subject: RE: AUT: PENTAGON CONTACTS NEW YORK UNIVERSITY RE ECD PAGE Paul Bowman wrote: >Doug, your argument seems to me to be a re-working of the familiar "If >you fight them it'll only provoke them, therefore you are helping the >cause of repression" argument that the likes of the CP always used to >use against the active left. Not at all. Civil disobedience makes lots of sense when you're violating an outrageous law. On something like this, though, it's politics by gesture, revolution by simulacrum. You're not going to draw much public attention to your cause, and you'll probably alienate more people than you win over. The governments involved can easily take the "high road" of defending the free flow of information against a bunch of troublemakers. That, plus the inevitable tightening of "security," makes it a net loser. Does anyone really think the Mexican government will go any easier on the Zaps because a website was jammed? Doug --- from list ---
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