File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1998/aut-op-sy.9809, message 33

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 18:35:10 +0000
Subject: Re: AUT: Resistance in Nazi Germany ( & Delurk)

> P.S. Somewhere (in the AK catalog?) I saw that a British circle had
> published a history of the Edelweiss gang . . .
The current issue (I think) of Fighting Talk - Journal of Anti 
Fascist Action (here in the UK) has an article on the Eidelwiess 
Pirates which is probably whats been refered to here.

Intoducing myself....(as I've been lurking for a while)

Hi, I'm Paul.  I generally describe my politics 
as/anarchist-autonomist/libertarian commmunist/social activist 
depending on how I'm feeling - my background is classic 80's punk 
anarchism/squatter, latterly I became interested in Autonomist 
thinking as a result of the perception of a general lack of 
consistent anarchist theory - aided no doubt by being at college with 
various members of the Aufheben crew.  I haven't been that active of 
late in Politics with a big P, paretly as a result of trying (and 
failing) to finish my eduction partly because of getting burnt out 
yet again and partly as a result of questioning the value of the 
Politico lifestyle. Political conscience doesn't go away though, 
mostly what I have been doing is concentrating more on 'practical' 
things - mostly self-managed housing (housing co-ops) and acquring 
technical (computer) skills.I was curious about the mention of 
Bio-politcs on the list recently  - this seems to me to imply 
something of what I see myself doing - activities that have directly 
politcal rammifications but don't necessarily revolve around 
political activity as 'specialisation' (does that make sense?). 
On a more personal level I'm 30, tall, have a shaved head, working 
class background (in my more fanciful moments I like to see myself as 
part of a tradition of working class radical auto-didacticism) and I 
work setting up/running a low cost public access computer/internet 
facility . Oh and I 'd like to say that of all (12 or so) mailing 
lists i subscribe to this is one of the most stimulating moments (so 
consider ytourselves flattered) even if i haven't had much time to 
participate. think thats all for now 
love, kisses 'n' solidarity
       "There are no innocent bystanders.
What where they doing their in the first place?"
            W.S.Burroughs (R.I.P.)

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