File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1998/aut-op-sy.9809, message 43

Date: Sat, 12 Sep 1998 21:27:20 +1000
Subject: Re: AUT: Resistance in Nazi Germany

>Dear Sally and Bob
>I'll send you photocopies of an article in Commonensense by Sergio
>Bologna about w/c resistance to the Nazis. It's got quite a few
>references. If you can read German [or get it translated] Karl Heinz
>Roth's book 'Die Andere Arbeiterbwegung' is STILL not in English and it
>was published in the middle 70s.

Thanks, Paul, for correcting my guess re the Edelweiss reference. Is it
easy to get the issue in question? Is there an AFA web site with this and
other articles?

I seem to remember too that an early issue of Common Sense had a
translation of the relevant chapter from Roth's book - a chapter written by
Elisabeth Behrens - on workers' resistance to the Nazi regime. Of course,
someone here in Melbourne has made off with that particular copy, so I have
no details.

Certainly Gra's right that the Roth book is long overdue for translation. I
have an Italian version, but not the time at present to tackle it . . .

And since Werner Bonefeld is on this list, perhaps he can supply an
electronic version of the Bologna article published in Common Sense?


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