File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1998/aut-op-sy.9809, message 47

Date:          Sat, 12 Sep 1998 14:20:08 GMT + 2:00
Subject:       Re: AUT: Resistance in Nazi Germany

On Bob and Sally's request:

> >Can anyone help?  I want to do some research on working class 
> resistance > >to the nazis.  I know there were strikes, I also have read a bit about 
> > >street gangs called "Edelweiss Gangs".  My efforts to track down info 
> on > >the web has come up with a big nothing. Can anyone help me with info or 
> > >places to look?
> >thanks
> >Bob

Graham replied:

> I'll send you photocopies of an article in Commonensense by Sergio 
> Bologna about w/c resistance to the Nazis. It's got quite a few 
> references. 

I agree with Graham's suggestion. An author that has largely
influenced Bologna on this aspect is Tim Mason, with his
articulation of forms of worker responses in Nazi Germany along a
continuum between deep-seated "opposition" and overt "resistance",
which I think should be one of the starting points for such a
research. Mason's writings on working class resistance under nazism
are now collected in a book ("Nazism, Fascism and the Working Class", 
Cambridge University Press, 1995), that should be available in 
libraries. Moreover, the "Journal of Modern History" had published 
during the 1970s-1980s lots of articles by German authors (especially 
Langewiesche and others) on this topic. Hope this can help.


Franco Barchiesi
Sociology of Work Unit
Dept of Sociology
University of the Witwatersrand
Private Bag 3
PO Wits 2050
South Africa
Tel. (++27 11) 716.3290
Fax  (++27 11) 339.8163

98 6th Avenue
Melville 2092
South Africa
Tel. (++27 11) 482.5011

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