File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1998/aut-op-sy.9809, message 58

Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 07:31:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: AUT: From: Garment Workers in Bangladesh Re: Urgent Appeal (fwd)

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Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 11:19:41 +0600 (GMT+0600)
Subject: Urgent Appeal
>From : Amirul Haque Amin, General Secretary,
A devastating flood has been sweeping over the Bangladesh for 60 days. 51
districts of 60 are flood affected. Even in the capital city Dhaka, 63 words
(local government unit) of 90 are affected. According to the estimate of
disaster ministry,712 people had died, more than 15 thousands have attacked
by Diarrhea, Cholera, Dysentery and other diseases. More than 30 millions
people have been affected by the flood. According to the government estimate
$508300000 and 1000000 tons of food will be needed to recover the flood
disaster. Government and other organizations have taken different
initiatives to help the people but those are not enough. Garment workers are
also seriouly affected in this flood. 1.5 million workers work in the
garments industries of Bangladesh. Majority of these workers live in the
lowlying areas around the cities. As because these are the cheaper places
for living. Their houses, necessary things and other meterials have
damaged.250 garments are closed down. 100,000 garments workers including
80,000 women are jobless because of close down of factories for the flood.
Workers are going to the factories through the water. Women workers are
facing more problems including rape. National garments workers federation
have raised a 4 paints demand to the garments owners and owners associasion
(BGMEA) to save these flood affected garments workers. These demands are :
(1) aid allowance equivalent to one month salary. (2) Tk 30 as conveyance
(3) rescheduling work hour from 9 am to 6 p.m including one hour lunch break
(4) suspending overtime and night shift work. The federation have organised
a demonstration infabour of these demands on 28th august. We have also
published 50,000 posters in suport of these demand and trying to organize
more pressure to the garments owners to fulfill the demands.
National garments workers Federation also have taken initiative for "RELIEF
WORK" to save flood affected members as well as workers. NGWF is collecting
clothes, medicine, dry food, rice, cash money and others necessary things
and distributing these to NGWF's flood affected members & workers But the
local resources are very limited. To save the flood affected garments
workers and NGWF members, NGWF need suport and contribution from co-workers,
Workers, Peoples, Trade unions, women organizations,consumers and others
organizations abroad. Pls contribute and save our affected members &
workers. your help and contribution can save the lives of our members and

Amirul Haque Amin.
G.P.O. Box-864, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Fax : 880-2-9562562.
E-Mail :

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