Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 04:42:25 +0200 Subject: AUT: Sept. 9 Netstrike Against Zedillo, Pentagon, and Frankfurt ELECTRONIC DISTURBANCE THEATER BULLETIN - For Immediate Release - Friday, Sept. 5, 1998 NETSTRIKE IN MEXICO, THE UNITED STATES, AND GERMANY ON SEPT. 9 AGAINST ZEDILLO, THE PENTAGON, AND FRANKFURT STOCK EXCHANGE FALL CAMPAIGN ON THE STREET AND ON THE NET In solidarity with the Zapatistas in Chiapas, Mexico, and with people everywhere struggling against the global neoliberal economy, the Electronic Disturbance Theater calls for multiple acts of Electronic Civil Disobedience (SWARM), on Wednesday, September 9, 1998. The Electronic Disturbance Theater issues this call in connection with its participation in the Ars Electronica Festival on Infowar, held in Linz, Austria, from September 7 to 12. ( Actions will begin on Sept. 9 at 11:00 a.m. (Linz time) for a 24 hour period. Other start times are: Berlin 11:00 a.m.; London 10:00 a.m.; New York 5:00 a.m.; Mexico City 4:00 a.m.; and San Francisco 2:00 a.m. Our FloodNet software will target three web sites in Mexico, the United States, and Europe representing three important sectors: government, military, and financial. 1) President Zedillo ( 2) The Pentagon ( 3) The Frankfurt Stock Exchange ( When enough people simultaneously connect their Internet browsers to the FloodNet address it effectively blocks the targeted site. To join the actions, simply point to and click on the FloodNet foyer on the Electronic Civil Disobedience web page during the 24 hour period. ( Leave your browser connected to FloodNet for as long as you can. Details and more specific instructions will be sent just before the action. We also urge people to engage in their own actions against these three sites at the same time as ours. We propose multiple actions, virtual and real, aimed at multiple targets on September 9 but also for a series of dates this fall. We call for these hybrid Street/Net actions on September 16 (Mexican Independence Day), October 12 (Columbus Day), and November 22 (Day of Action at the School of the Americas). In addition, the Electronic Disturbance Theater will join with others in the micro-power radio movement in the United States for actions aimed at the Federal Communication Commission on Oct. 4 and 5 for that agency=B4s role in suppressing free speech on the airwaves. ( - end - --- from list ---
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