Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 22:16:08 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: AUT:NinePropositionsAbout theProletariat Apologies if I have strayed from the topic at hand, ie. the Grundrisse/MBM. I promised to post this almost two months ago, when I wrote those godawful pieces on slavery and capitalism. Though I find the following propositions most suggestive, they can only be persuasive in the context of *historical* narrative about capitalist development. Gerald worries about the term "proletariat" being used in a transhistorical, almost metaphysical way which blurs divisions and conveys a false image of unity, but Rediker and Linebaugh are historians- their work is based on an examination and analysis of archival evidence, and given the heterodox nature of their ideas, they go to great lengths to demonstrate the *historical* connections between the *very* diverse sectors of the Atlantic proletariat. And that includes slaves, tavern owners, indentured servants, and others mentioned in a previous post. I didn't mean to get bogged down in historiographic niceties, but I find a presentist/theoreticist approach to class composition troubling at best. Forrest NINE PROPOSITIONS ABOUT THE PROLETARIAT A Short Rant in Memory of Allen Ginsberg by Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker Presented to the conference on Working-Class Self-Activity Youngstown, OH, June 1997 Reprinted with permission of the authors PROPOSITION ONE The proletariat is not new; it is not modern. The proletariat is old, ancient, as the very term "proletarian," from Roman antiquity, proves. PROPOSITION TWO The proletariat is not male. It was originally female; the proletarian, who paid no taxes, served the state by reproduction. PROPOSITION THREE The proletariat is not white. The proletariat is- and has long been- many colored, multi-ethnic, multi-racial. PROPOSITION FOUR The proletariat is not American; it is not British, not West European; it is not national. It is Atlantic; it is international; it is global, and has been so for many centuries. PROPOSITION FIVE The proletariat is composed not only of artisans, or even industrial workers. It is composed of hewers of wood and drawers of water; it is soldiers sailors, servants and slaves. PROPOSITION SEVEN The proletariat is composed not only of the waged. It includes the unwaged, those who perform the unpaid labors of capitalism. PROPOSITION EIGHT The proletariat is composed not only of stable householders, not only citizens. It includes the "loose and disorderly" and "the outcasts of the nations of the earth," who have been and continue to be subject to extreme violence and terror. PROPOSITION NINE The proletariat is not sedentary, passive, defeated, dead. It is self-active, creative. It is alive; it is onamove. --- from list ---
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