Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 13:17:00 +0300 Subject: Re: AUT: re: grundrisse etc discussion Hi comrades. Wishful thinking is a great booster for morals... but never a worthy substitute for good analysis. rc&am wrote: <snip> > You said: > "As far as I know, no one else has provided a more convincing > explanation of the nature of capitalist crises, or the means by which > they are overcome, in the early modern world." > > does this rule out a crisis brought on by overproduction? are crises of > overproduction to be read solely as the effect of working class > struggle? The prophesy that overproduction will destroy capitalism and the pondering about its nature, is usually wanting. In a way, every commodity produced for selling in the market is a case of "over production" till an end user buy it. The competition in market between rival producers, creates ALL the time over production, thus force out of the market of the less efficient producers. And for sure the the uneven function of means of exchange creates/contributes it share too. The fluctuations in its amount and speed, occurring all the time, creates bottle-necks in the markets. Thus many time it cannot serve the full volume of the products in the market. So, you cannot count too much on this contradiction of the capitalist system, which is with it from the beginning all along the time. > was not this crisis in the early part of this century resolved by war - > 'a handy solution to overproduction' as holloway has argued? So some people who were captive of the idea of "over production" as a key factor in the future destruction of the capitalist system, related the two world wars to it. It was easier to promote it so, than the more subtle explanation that contradiction resulted from the uneven development of capitalist states and monopoly of some of them in specific markets were the main reason. The reorganization of the world order and the reduction of monopoly of the old colonial-metropolins via the "decolonization", rendered the obsolesce of the "world war" process. The contradictions in the development of the capitalist system are some times resolve gradually, some time with a turmoil... but only the delegitimisation of that system in the mind of the struggling wage slaves, will terminate it. -- Ilan --- from list ---
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