Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 14:27:45 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: AUT: Grundrisse/MBM On Sat, 12 Sep 1998, Rakesh Bhandari wrote: > To put things in my rather pedestrian way, are we not talking about how > defensive working class struggles can become struggles to create a new > form of social labor? Rakesh: Only to the degree that "a new form of social labor" is an element in new ways of organizing society, and only to the degree that we look at what people struggle FOR as opposed to what they struggle AGAINST. Both I think are necessary. > > I am very interested in Jerry's suggestion that we study dialectics in > terms of the logic of Marx's *Capital*, yet it seems to me that unless the > working class thinks dialectically as well then we can't turn defensive > battles into revolutionary attempts to create new bases for society. Rakesh: I have no idea what "thinking dialectically" means other than grasping the dialectic of capital. I don't see "revolutionary attempts to create new bases for society" as some kind of "dialectical inversion" of the present. If such an inversion leaves us within the dialectic we haven't escaped. > > Yet at the same time unless we can reconstruct the (dialectical?) logic of > *Capital* and understand how its analysis of the economic law of motion > may demonstrate limits on the capacity of crises to reestablish always the > relation between the mass of surplus value and that required for further > accumulation, then it seems to me that the working class can never lose > its belief in the necessity or advantageousness of the existing social > relations (isn't this importance Marx attributes to value theory in the > famous letter to Kugelmann?) If the system has no economic limits once > it "readjusts" itself, then there is no reason for the working class to > think of its resistance dialectically. > > best, rakesh Rakesh: I don't think "the working class" needs a Marxist analysis of the limits to capitalism to impose those limits. Some of us find Marxist analysis useful for grasping the dynamics of the class struggle, most do without yet manage to be very effective. I think lots of people can see beyond capital to new and more interesting ways or organizing social life. There is no shortage of such vision; the problem is that of linking the struggles within which those visions exist so that they become more and more complementary and effective at constraining and replacuing capital. Harry ............................................................................ Harry Cleaver Department of Economics University of Texas at Austin Austin, Texas 78712-1173 USA Phone Numbers: (hm) (512) 478-8427 (off) (512) 475-8535 Fax:(512) 471-3510 E-mail: Cleaver homepage: Chiapas95 homepage: Accion Zapatista homepage: ............................................................................ --- from list ---
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