Subject: AUT: Bologna text Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 18:00:03 +0100 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. Graham sent me a copy of the text by Bologna, "Nazism and the Working Class, 1933 - 39" plus "Workers' Struggles and the capitalist offensive under National Socialism" by Elisabeth Behrens. I have scanned the Bologna text and in all probability will do the same with the Behrens one tomorrow or the next day (I'm off work sick at the moment and incredibly bored!). Graham tells me that a number of people want to read the Bologna piece. At the moment it still needs proof reading - as you possibly know, scanning often produces pieces of text with misspellings and missing letters - but is pretty good and would make sense. It basically divides into two parts - the first part is a critique of other studies of the period of the nazi rise to power and the second, and much more interesting part, describes the techniques they used and the resistance workers put up and the reasons many workers found it dificult to resist. If you are desperate to read it, even in its current state, then email me and I'll send it back as an attachment. If you prefer to wait a few days (maybe a week), I'll put it on a web page. I'd like to make it generally available but would obviously need Bologna's approval. If anyone can put me in touch with him, I'd be grateful. Lacking that, I'll put it on my web-site, but only provide the URL to members of this list. I guess the same goes for the piece by Elisabeth Behrens. This latter details the way the nazis dealt with foreign workers during the war years. Cheers Bob
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