File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1998/aut-op-sy.9811, message 39

Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 01:15:15 -0500
Subject: Re: AUT: The Soviets

>The 1917 Russian Revolution entailed the insurrection of the workers and
>peasants against Czarist Russia. The workers organised themselves through
>their own self-activity in the form of soviets, factory committees,
>workers' militias etc. The peasants on the whole organised themselves
>through the mir which the Bolsheviks had discounted and misleadingly
>believed had all but disappeared as a force.
>However the Bolsheviks carried out what was in effect a coup against the
>Provisional Government and over the heads of the Soviets. The executive
>committee of the Congress of Soviets would have been the correct and
>revolutionary way by which state power was seized from the Provisional
>government. The executive committee could have passed stating that power
>was now in the hands of the Soviets and that the Provisional government no
>longer exists. This would have been a more directly democratic and
>revolutionary form for the Bolsheviks to have promoted.     This would
>have invested the seizure of state power with a popular legitimacy which
>the Bolshevik coup never had.
>The Bolsheviks, even though there were elements within it that sought a
>contrary course, took the role of effectively bypassing the Soviets
>because Lenin and his friends did not trust the working class --did not
>trust Soviet power. Had he proceeded through the Soviet organisational
>form he would have had to subject the transfer of power to proletarian
>direct democracy which would have meant that non-Bolshevik elements would
>have have been more directly involved in the exercise of proletarian state
>power. Indeed even after the coup Lenin set up the Council of People's
>Commissars as the government when the  politically correct course, as a
>revolutionary communist, would have been the transfer of governmental
>power to the Executive Committee of the Congress of Soviets.
>this is just a lot of left parliamentary cretinism, and factually untrue
>bob brown
><META content=text/html;charset=iso-8859-1 http-equiv=Content-Type>
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><BODY bgColor=#ffffff>
><DIV>The 1917 Russian Revolution entailed the insurrection of the workers and
>peasants against Czarist Russia. The workers organised themselves through
>own self-activity in the form of soviets, factory committees, workers'
>etc. The peasants on the whole organised themselves through the mir which the
>Bolsheviks had discounted and misleadingly believed had all but
>disappeared as a
>force. </DIV>
><DIV> </DIV>
><DIV>However the <FONT color=#000000 face=Arial size=2>Bolsheviks
>out what was in effect a coup against the Provisional Government and over the
>heads of the Soviets. The executive committee of the Congress of Soviets would
>have been the correct and revolutionary way by which state power was
>seized from
>the Provisional government. The executive committee could have passed stating
>that power was now in the hands of the Soviets and that the Provisional
>government no longer exists. This would have been a more directly
>democratic and
>revolutionary form for the Bolsheviks to have
>This would have invested the seizure of state power with a popular legitimacy
>which the Bolshevik coup never had.</DIV>
><DIV> </DIV>
><DIV>The Bolsheviks, even though there were elements within it that sought a
>contrary course, took the role of effectively bypassing the Soviets because
>Lenin and his friends did not trust the working class --did not trust Soviet
>power. Had he proceeded through the Soviet <FONT color=#000000 face=Arial
>size=2>organisational </FONT>form he would have had to subject the transfer of
>power to proletarian direct democracy which would have meant that
>elements would have have been more directly involved in the exercise of
>proletarian state power. Indeed even after the coup Lenin set up the
>Council of
>People's Commissars as the government when the  politically correct
>as a revolutionary communist, would have been the transfer of governmental
>to the Executive Committee of the Congress of Soviets.</DIV>
><DIV> </DIV>
><DIV> </DIV>
><DIV> </DIV>

"Solidarity is running the same risks."
                        - Che Guevara
("La solidarieta' significa correndo gli stessi rischi.")

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