File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1998/aut-op-sy.9811, message 57

From: "George Pennefather" <>
Subject: Re:      Re: AUT: Wouldn't it be nice?
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 22:13:17 -0000

An interesting and valuable posting if I may say so


With all due respect brother Jesse, what is happening in Chiapas,
South-East Asia and other places does connect with the issue of how
we see Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin; they may be dead but their thinking,
for better or worse (worse in my opinion), still affects the living.
Since there are Trotskyist, Leninist and even Stalinist parties and
groups in South-East Asia, not to mention Mexico, an airing of views,
even a rehashing for a new generation of such questions as why
"democratic centralism" doesn't work for the working class, or why
"dialectical materialism" is a hoax, or why the "national question"
is usually just an excuse for the worst sort of opportunism can only
be of value.  It _would_ be nice if we didn't ever again have to take
up these questions but the nightmare of history isn't exactly over.


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