File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1998/aut-op-sy.9811, message 61

Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 12:14:06 +1100
From: Jay <>
Subject: AUT: DAMN seeks Anti-Globalization Movement Bureau Chief

Hello everyone on the aut-op-sy list,

My name is Jay and I do some organizing with the Direct Action Media
Network (DAMN!).  For those of you who don=92t know us, DAMN is a news
service that gathers and distributes multi-media coverage of progressive
protests, demonstrations, marches, strikes and other types of actions.  We
do get a lot of news, but we know that we do not get everything and we are
stepping up our efforts to gather more news about more actions happening in
more places.  That is why we need your help.

DAMN is currently looking for an "Anti-Globalization Movement bureau
chief," someone who knows what is happening in the international
anti-globalization movement and would be willing to find out more.  We were
wondering if you or anyone you know might be interested in working with us.
 At the least, we are looking for someone who is willing to post to the
DAMN news service information about every action that s/he knows about in
the anti-globalization movement.  Ideally we=92d like to find someone who
will help the DAMN print team develop more contacts in all areas of
anti-globalization activism. 

Being a DAMN bureau chief may take some effort, but it will return itself
to you tenfold in the satisfaction that news of direct actions is getting
out there, enabling people to learn about the issues behind the protests
and perhaps to even use that information in their activism.  There=92s a lot
of work to do, but we promise we won=92t demand more of your time than you=92re
able to give.

Of course we=92re always looking for people to help with our media teams --
radio, web, print and video =96 so if you=92re interested in helping out at
all, drop us a line.  At the moment we are specifically looking for PRINT
TEAM helpers who can volunteer to edit two articles a week that come
through the news list.  We=92re also looking for WEB TEAM volunteers who can
help post two to four articles a week to the web site.  Below I=92m also
going to paste a list of the bureau chiefs we=92re seeking, just in case you
know anyone who might be interested in filling any of these roles.  We know
we=92re still missing things, so if you have any suggestions let us know.

For more information on DAMN, check out our web site at
"" or drop me a line at "" if you have any
questions.   Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you,


Movements: (we=92re looking for people who have a good grasp of the activism
that is happening internationally in a particular movement)

Animal rights
Anti-police brutality
Female issues
Youth issues
Political prisoners/prisons issues
Campus/university issues
Native American issues
African-American issues
Latin-American issues

Geography: (we=92re looking for people who have a good grasp of the activism
that is happening in a particular geographic region.  If we can get
specific enough to get a bureau chief in each country that would be great,
but right now we=92re thinking regionally.  If you want to be a bureau chief
for a specific country or know someone who would like to do so, we would be
very happy with that.)

Australia/New Zealand
UK/Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Russia and former Soviet republics
Central Asia
Southeast Asia
The Middle East
Africa (North, West, Central, Southern)
Central America
South America

"The Direct Action Media Network (DAMN!) is a multi-media news service
that covers direct actions that progressive organizations and individuals
take to attain a peaceful, open and enlightened society. DAMN places its
coverage of social justice actions into both historical and contemporary
context so that any audience will find the events and issues covered
accessible.  The group operates as a non-hierarchical democratic institution
to ensure that its operations reflect and augment the values of the
projects and actions it reports.  DAMN accepts as an affiliate any media
outlet, social justice organization, or individual reporter who agrees to
provide or disburse news for the service.  While DAMN provides a free space
for the exchange of affiliates' information, it also reserves the right to
determine its own original content."

     --- from list ---


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