File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1998/aut-op-sy.9811, message 69

Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 07:57:46 +1000
From: (Profit Margin)
Subject: Re: AUT: Looking for sources Italy in struggle 68-82

Sidney Tarrow's book _Democracy and Disorder_ (Yale University Press?) has
some useful material on the 1967-68 struggles at the Porto Marghera
Montedison chemical plant, the workplace where Negri's immediate circle had
the most influence at the time.

Radical America also translated a number of interesting materials in the
early 70s, including at least 2 special numbers on Italy.

Finally, there is a French volume of workerist and autonomist materials
from the early 80s, taken from a Canadian conference - does anyone have the


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