File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1999/aut-op-sy.9906, message 15

Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 12:40:40 -0400
Subject: Re: AUT: (fwd) NOT A JOKE: GW Bush's Quote on "Corporate

MichaelP wrote:

>Several days ago I posted the text report of a speech reported to have
>been made by GWBush at the Yale Law School - on the subject of
>"CORPORATIONS" - More than one recipient thought this was a JOKE post - I
>did not then report the source of the story.
>The following is relevant to the valiidity of the story. The Presidential
>Exploratory Committee web page located at:
>contains a similar item which I'm attaching below

Which is a joke site, and one that cause young George - aka "Shrub" and
"Dublya" - to denounce its creator as "garbage."

Unless your apparent not getting of the meta-joke is itself a
meta-meta-joke, in which case I apologize.


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