File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1999/aut-op-sy.9909, message 97

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 15:16:30 -0400
From: Robin Alexander <>
Subject: AUT: Urgent Request for e-mails from FAT

Fed up with the company´s excuses, since Friday Sept. 17th, the workers at
Congeladora del Rio have set up a picket line outside their plant to demand
a fair contract.
On July 15 of 1999, 200 workers, the majority women and young teenage
girls, went on strike demanding a settlement of their contract. The Mexican
Federal Board of Conciliation and Arbitration decided to table the demands
of the strikers, leaving the workers without the legal protection which
Mexican labor law mandates to striking workers.
The workers union, which is affiliated with the Frente Autentico del
Trabajo (FAT), demands legal protection for its striking workers.
The strikers, who are suffering economicly, are frustrated with the
behavior of the company and its representativeses. Hence, two workers have
made the decision to sit outside the factory gaits until the contract is
signed. The rest of the workers are also picketing at different hours.
The company, once again, has called on the police to intervene and use
force if necessary. The police immediatley responded to the call of the
company by sending armed guards to watch over and thus intimidate workers
with their presence.
The strikers ask; why does the company insist on denying the right of
workers to have an independent union, to have collective bargaining rights,
and the right to strike? Why does Congeladora del Rio continue to pay
miserable salaries and utilize child labor?
The company has recently bused in 25 workers from another town, the
majority underage females, to cross the picket line and work at Congeladoa
del Rio.
Given that Congeladora is a U.S. based company, the FAT is seeking
international support. We ask that you send an e-mail, fax, and/or phone to
Arthur Price who is President of Global Trading Inc. which owns Congeladora
del Rio. Ask him to sign the contract with the workers at Congeladore del
Rio and to stop his direspectful treatment of Mexican workers, especially
women and children.
Arthur Price
< >.
fax: (864) 234-5815
tel: (864) 288-7332
Please send a copy of your e-mail to Arthur Prices´ representatives in
Mexico at:
< > and
< >.
We also ask that you send a message to the local government in Mexico
asking that Mexican labor law recognize the strike at Congeladora del Rio.
Send e-mails to Govenor Ramon Martin Huerta and Lic. Antonio Obreson
Padilla. Their e-mail is the same at:
< >.
fax: (001 47) 31-12-55 ; (011 47) 31-12-96
Thank you compañeros, your solidarity is not taken for granted.

Robin Alexander
UE Director of International Labor Affairs
One Gateway Center, Suite 1400
420 Fort Duquesne Blvd.
PGH., PA. 15222-1416

412-471-8999 FAX

Labor and related news from Mexico is reported bi-monthly in Mexican Labor 
News and Analysis.  Check it out on our web site: 

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