File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_1999/aut-op-sy.9911, message 88

Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999 17:12:09 EST
Subject: Re: AUT: (en) Another right-left article (fwd)

I am wondering two things:

1) while the right most certainly does not intend liberation for working 
people, and while I agree any "left" (not a term I like, but what do we 
have?) must think so as prevent being used by a nationalistic right, and that 
local capitals are still capital,
does this mean if the right also opposes some things the left opposes that 
the left is doing things badly or wrong?

2) I read an implication in Alain's piece that appears to make central in 
what I would call an "old-time left" way national capitals -- as when he 
prefers "transnational" to "multinational" and when he refers to increasing 
state competition. I think that analysis is very questionable -- too strong a 
rooting of capitals in a particular nation and too strong a belief in 
nation-state competition. Surely we need not resurrect leninist (or similar) 
notions of state competitions to combat the conspiracy-theory notions of 
capital that become divorced from exploitation and accumulation. And surely a 
rejection of the idea that state-based capitalist competition is a central 
political category today need not lead to a belief in right-wing conceptions 
of the problems with the dominant aspects of capitalism today?

Or am I reading too much into Alain's piece?

Monty Neill

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