File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2000/aut-op-sy.0006, message 10

Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2000 22:14:53 -0400
Subject: AUT: LAWV and IN

Points of clarification --- correcting Mr. Pugliese
LA Workers' Voice broke from the neo- maoist melieu  in theory and practice

over 5 years ago. (Publicly -on the Internet too!)It then  joined up with
the Communist-left
  IBRP and fully accepts its Platform .

The IBRP is not "Bordigist" , especially  rejecting  Bordigism's  absurd
and substitutionist 
views on the character/work of the Party , their support for national
liberation and their idea
that they will  somehow make the   unions proletarian organs again., etc.
Bordiga,  however  making  serious errors in his later political life , was
a great and underestimated 
revolutionary- in opposing WW1and WW2 as imperialist , promoting the mass 
revolutionary struggles
 of the Italian  factory soviets /councils in Italy from 1919-21, in
building the Italian communist trend and fought the degeneration/rotting of
the Comintern to Stalinism and exposed Stalin right in his face in his
Comintern speech in 1926..

to see our leaflet on the AFL/CIO vs. the Immigrants and the other
Communist left articles see Web-


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