Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 01:41:21 -0400 Subject: AUT: new bad days The Bad Days Will End ‘for libertarian & council communism’ Issue #2 now available - The Anarchism Issue Contents: The Founding Convention of the Northeastern Federation of Anarchist Communists - a report NEFAC Aims and Principles For a Libertarian-Communist Position on the Union Question from "Unions and Reformism" by Judith Allen "Endorsing the Call for a Revolutionary Anti-Capitalist Bloc" To the Anarchist (Communist!) Federation: What’s in a Name? Something Worth Fighting For! Send one dollar for copy (two dollars U.S. if overseas) Mail to / payable to: Merrymount Publications P.O. Box 441597 Somerville, MA 02144 USA Subscriptions are $5.00 for 4 issues, $10.00 overseas --- from list ---
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