File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2000/aut-op-sy.0006, message 17

Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 17:50:51 +0200
Subject: AUT: Re:Pugliese

Michael Pugliese seems to be not much informed. 
1. LAWV (like the IBRP)  has nothing to do with Bordiga, since.... 1952 (at least).
2. Some LAWV'members were actually members of the MLP in the far '70s, When this mao-
stalinist party split, several members of the LA' section gathered in LA Workers Voice 
started a long hard process of maturation, going back to the very marxist roots of the
communist movement... Something that would be useful to be imitated by many persons and
groups.... BTW, a first serious principle (not only for marxists, of course) is to be
informed before to speak and write on something. Ciao m.jr

>    From Enver Hoxha to Amadeo Bordiga?! Woker's Voice in the USA used to be
> if I am not mistaken pro-Hoxha, Marxist-Leninist Party, USA. Glad you
> shifted if that is the case from those views.
>                                             Michael Pugliese


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