Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 19:31:00 -0400 Subject: AUT: The AFL/CIO, a new friend of Immigrants? Angela; Sorry you had problems finding the leaflet nailing the AF of L. --but it is posted on Internationalists Web ( both as new update material dtd 6/5/00 and in the LA Workers Voice section too. so i will send you a copy as well as one for the Autopsy List. Comments and debate are welcomed. Neil Communist-left IBRP ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- From: neil, 74742,1651 DATE: 6/4/00 12:38 AM RE: The AFL/CIO, a new friend of Immigrants? After supporting most all repressive US government anti-immigrant regulations and actions for many decades , the AFL/CIO trade union federation's executive council is seemingly doing a 180 degree turn and now will support "regulated legal immigration" , an amnesty for all undocumented workers inside US borders and as well claims it will no longer co-operate with the regular round-ups and other US Immigration and Naturalization (La Migra) actions against immigrants. If the AFL's new positions were sincere, it would mean it is turning over a new leaf. The federation now says, " the AFL/CIO proudly stands on the side of immigrant workers." Is the AFL sincere in dumping overboard its experienced massed political artillery of anti-immigrant chauvinism? How does this change fit into the present needs of the US bosses/government whom the AFL is so loyal to? What is the actual track record? It is almost common knowledge that for decades the AFL/CIO stance on immigrants was in line with some of the most racist and ultra-nationalist forces of our capitalist rulers. Part of this was the old lying saw that "illegals are taking jobs away from American workers, driving wages down, and making conditions of work deteriorate." And " Immigrant Aliens" were also said to be used by companies to break strikes and weaken AFL union organizing drives. Time and again, the AFL backed reactionary legislation in state legislatures and in Congress. Obviously , it was the AFL itself that was making the rounds parroting the bosses divide and rule lies. It could have exposed/fought this reactionary drivel if it really wanted to build workers unity and struggle against the attacks of the rich. But the AFL-CIO is basically a big labor merchandizing organization that backs the wages system and the rule of capital, lock, stock and barrel. Bonafide workers organizations expose poverty, unemployment, and anti-immigrant chauvinism as the product of the domination of capitalist social relations, wage slavery, class rule and production not for human needs, but instead for sales and profits. The AFL, in its long history of hostility to the undocumented workers was driven mainly by its interests as a negotiator of the price of the commodity labor-power. In the past the AFL considered the undocumented workers almost like lepers. It thought it had more fertile and profitable fields for its "organizing" in industries that did not have significant numbers of immigrant labor. But in the last 20 years there have been big changes in the world capitalist economy. There has been enormous privatization of industries, contracting-out to small non-union shops by huge previously unionized firms. Now there is vast globalization of capitalist production and the movement of big companies to other capitalist and state capitalist countries where the costs of labor-power are much cheaper , raw materials close by & available to plunder, and workers controlled in even more slavelike conditions than in the "free" USA. The unions have pleaded poverty for the bosses and have shoved many concessions contracts down their own members throats. Unions accepting concessions to maintain a dues base and competitive profits for business has led many workers to become demoralized concerning the fight for the liberation of the working class. The AFL/CIO new immigrant resolution shows it is really after new duespayers and assures the bosses that immigrants should be made docile and subservient. Its resolution states "Labor and business should work together to design co-operative mechanisms that allow law-abiding employers to satisfy legitimate needs for new workers in a timely manner without compromising the rights and liberties of workers already here." It also asks that workers should have upgraded skill levels that enhance our " shared economic prosperity." (The People, Apr. 2000, Vol 110, #1) But under capitalism, law abiding capitalists violate workers liberty and their pursuit of happiness every day. It is also just so much twaddle that workers have "shared economic prosperity" with their exploiters. The capitalist employers rob the workers of near 80% of the wealth their labor-power alone creates. Our rich rulers also want to use more new "legal" immigrant workers as cannon fodder to be dragooned and conscripted into the bosses armed forces to defend and expand US capitalists markets , raw material monopolies and business enterprises in other lands. Military enlistments are down now. But the AFL/CIO, a top recruiting sergeant that supports the bosses militarism, is happy to be of service to indoctrinate workers into being loyal to the bosses "democratic" rule and have military "service" performed for the State, i.e. the ruling class.. Workers, immigrant and non-immigrant, need organization, industrial and political , but not organs based on class collaboration a la the AFL. We need to build new workers groups and other mass organs of struggle against waged slavery and exploitation. This can be built by workers from the rank and file, but we will have to go forward against the unions, opposing the lying tricks of both the Democratic and Republican Parties as well. Internationalist Notes and LA Workers' Voice, PO Box 57483, Los Angeles, CA 90057 Visit the Internationalists Web: June 7, 2000 --- from list ---
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