File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2000/aut-op-sy.0006, message 28

Date: 08 Jun 2000 00:00:00 +0000
Subject: Preliminary Notes on Recent Call Centre Struggles

From: undercurrent (

Preliminary Notes on Recent Call Centre Struggles

Call centres are appearing everywhere. Representing a new way of
integrating telecommunications and computer technology into the
process of reshaping the division of labour, they are predominantly
situated in the circulation process of capital - although some are
within the production process itself. Bosses and politicians herald
them as an example of the future of labour. Britain, whose national
economy revolves around the finance sector, has 40% of the total call
centres in Europe and this number is increasing every year. It is
estimated that there are 350,000 workers employed in 4000 call
centres, expected to rise to 500,000 in the next three years.(1)

In Brighton, they are literally on every street corner, as well as in
the surrounding towns. Sucking-in the student, unemployed and casual
workers which make up a large proportion of the local labour-force, a
mere cursory glance reveals numerous telemarketing companies,
telecommunication companies such as BT, Cable and Wireless and
Ericsson, financial companies such as Lloyds/TSB and American Express
(the largest employer in the Brighton area), as well as  privatised
utilities such as Seeboard. In a town like Brighton, with an economy
primarily based on the retail and service sectors, call centres are
seen by many workers to be a stop gap to something bigger and better
(a thousand and one ways of avoiding the fact that you are and will
remain a proletarian). Yet, some of the underlying antagonisms between
workers and capital have started to take shape.

Before Xmas, workers at BT struck for the first time in 13 years.
Occurring in the 150 and 151 repair (call) centres, it has been
claimed as the first strike at a call centre in Britain. A series of
three one-day strikes had been called by the Communication Workers'
Union (CWU) in protest against the increasing influx of agency workers
(seen by the permanent workers for what it was: a strategy for
lowering their wages and eventually replacing them with the lower paid
agency staff) and the heavy handed pressure and intensification of
work that management imposed on the workforce. However, only one of
the three-day strikes actually happened, since the CWU and the
management naturally came to some sort of agreement over increased
union recognition in the workplace.(2)

The labour force at BT call centres was at that time supplied by the
employment agency, Manpower. However, in March 2000, they lost this
contract to Hays Management Consultants, who, though promising not to
cut down wages, did exactly that on the first day that they took over
from Manpower. After promising that there would be no pay cuts, in one
day they slashed at least £30 from most workers' pay packets by
reducing the evening rate from time and a half to time and a quarter.
Hays had hoped that there would be little reaction to these measures,
but subsequent events showed that they were mistaken. On the first
day, many workers walked straight out of the job refusing to sign the
contract which would mean their acceptance of the pay cut. Others
responded by taking other action: large amounts of overseas phone
calls were reportedly made, apparently totalling over £15,000. One
call was claimed to have been made to the speaking clock in Zimbabwe
with the receiver left off the hook over night; as well as this, top
of the range stock was sent out to householders with faulty BT
equipment. Many worked-to-rule, refusing to perform any 'extra' tasks
than the ones in their job description. And whereas before the office
had been a tense and hostile environment, now it was coloured by
workers chatting merrily and putting their feet up disguising their
refusal to do any work. Although, it is not possible to measure how
many agency staff have left BT in Brighton in the last month, constant
recruitment by Hays suggests that they have a constant shortage of
staff. And due to the reaction of the workers they have been forced to
suspend their pay cuts for at least a few months.

This is only a basic description of last month's worker activities in
Brighton - there is not space here to go into more. We are also sure
that plenty of other actions, which we are unaware of, took place at
other BT call centres all over the country. These tensions could be
the precursors of future struggles to come. Take Pembroke Dock in
South West Wales for example, where the decline of  manufacturing
industry has created the space for call centres  - specialising in
e-commerce - to start moving in, to the extent of renaming the area
'Cyber Bay'.

Pembrokeshire's economy was previously based on the energy industry.
Today, out of the four oil refineries, only two remain, whilst the
local power station was shut down under pressure from environmental
groups, like Friends of the Earth, who protested against the proposed
burning of a high-polluting mineral, Orimulsion. While the burning of
Orimulsion was obviously not very pleasant, the attitude of the
Greenies exposed once again their disgusting ideology: none of them
are complaining now that the call centres are being established, while
the local people, desperate for any work, are pushed into working in
the new sweatshops for £4.60 an hour. With unemployment levels at
13.2% (3) the bosses couldn't be happier: seen on the one hand as
providing the local labour-force with the 'opportunity' to escape
unemployment, on the other, the call centres are welcomed by the local
bourgeois factions as the key to the economic revival of the region
which has become like a ghost town since capital abandoned the
manufacturing industry. The Pembroke Dock call centre was built even
before it had a company to fill it, while due to the low skill levels
of the local workforce, a special call centre training camp has been
built near by. As in Brighton, employment agencies are to supply the
workforce for the new call centre and it is Manpower who have the
contract at the present time. How long it will be before the
proletariat of South West Wales sees through the bullshit of the myth
of the cyber-god of exploitation remains to be seen.

This is a mere preliminary analysis of workers' activities in some of
the new 'sweatshops'. The emergence of call centres has been treated
by bosses and capitalists from all around as signifying a new
composition of social relations, an ideological approach filtered
through constant references to the merits of the service and
information society. For us, their ideological mutterings are mere
disguises for their attempts to constantly expand capital's 'voracious
appetite'. It is not in our interests to solve the problems of the
economy, but to aim for its complete destruction. For that reason,
taking on the proposal made by the German Communist group, Kolinko
(4), we intend to investigate call centres as new areas of workers'
concentration and thus areas of potential subversive struggles.

We welcome all correspondence, contributions and exchanges.

(1) Revolutionary Perspectives #16

(2) Some of us went to the picket line in Brighton where we
encountered some disgusting CWU leaflets, calling on workers to work
harder for shareholders. This speaks for itself.

(3) In nearby Milford Haven the rate is nearly a fifth of the working
population(18.4%), in Tenby it is 14.2% while in Haverfordwest it is
less at 7.7%.

(4) The Kolinko proposal can be found here

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