Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 00:51:31 -0400 Subject: AUT: AFL/CIO, a new friend of immigrants?? Angela; Thanks very much for your reply. The point we wanted to make about "legal" status attained in US, immigrant, migrant, or native born is that at age 18 , one (males only- for now) technically become eligible for a future military draft and are supposed to fill out information cards at the Post Offices to be sent to the US Dept. of "Defense"(true there are none being conscripted now but the US bourgeoisie is making is plans for future larger theatre military actions, (eg Colombia, Mid-east, etc.) & our ruling class is quite adept at planning things well ahead of schedule!). When a new draft ensues , its will is done by hook and crook (Ah,the wonders of "democracy") in that (surprise!) most actually conscripted as enlisted GI's will be 95%+ from the working class , and at least 50% of these will be from oppressed nationality worker communites. We think it is no coincidence that with the US bosses and their kept media whining about a turndown in enlistments and re-enlistments , that just now The AFL/CIO and sections of the US congress-- so- belligerent in their anti -immigrant frenzies/actions up to this year, should now like wolves now dressed up in sheeps clothing --are lined up now as alleged saviours of undocumented workers "legality". You are quite near the mark on hitting the changed world economy forcing the AFL's hand and forcing it to look to "organize" in trades more now where immigrant labor ,(super) exploited is located, fabrics, textiles, furniture making, plastic goods manufacture, electrical parts, etc., still pretty labor intensive sectors. But the AFL still treats even its own present immigrant members as openly second-class or worse. .E.g. in 1995, the SEIU (Sweeney's old bailywick)local #399 in LA (Kaiser-- janitors and other maintenance), largely immigrant workers voted 21 of 25 posts to reform activists to union office --Even these reformists however were too much for Sweeney and the AFL-- Sweeney and Local Pres Zellers put the Local 399 in trusteeship and would not allow any of the mostly immigrant workers slate to hold office -- "because they were too inexperienced..,....lacked communication skills" etc. (Many of these #399 workers were actually from central America and had the real experience of the class economic, political , here these even including military combats of the 70s/80s) It should be noted that in the Garment industry and elsewhere where the AFL has a long history of the most obsequious forms of class collaboration with management., conditions, pay and benefits for workers in union (sweat) shops and non union sweatshops here in the US are not that much different in a lot of cases. Yes, if immigrant workers can get the new "amnesty" and get legal papers, many will opt for this rather tha n having to worry each day about avoiding the Government La Migra round-up squadrons that sweep the factories in LA (and many other US cities) regularly. But we want to point out all that glitters is not gold here. That even many "amnesty" programs are chock full of draconian conditions for eligibility. The devil is in the details --and in understanding the AFL acts like an arm of the US state since WW1 and its "mission" is not only economic, (labor 'peace") but also political and ideological as well, to entice workers to be good producers for capital and loyal supporters to its political nation state . The AFL's/Buchanan right-populists Fair Trade or the neo-liberals "Free trade", its all capitalist trade and either way & the working class gets Bush-whacked or Gore-d! Workers must do their own organizing --on their own class terrain, industrially and politically , organizations based on the class struggle & against waged slavery.. Fighting the nationalism of the worlds bosses , the AFL unions (US) or your TUC unions (Australia) is an uphill task but it must be carried out, if workers like those you described breaking out of Australian detention camps are to get support from other workers. Neil Communist-left --- from list ---
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