Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 11:45:38 -0400 Subject: AUT: Please send faxes in support of Mexican flight attendants! Emergency alert! Please send faxes in support of Mexican flight attendants! We have just received an emergency request from Benedicto Martínez of the FAT, acting in his official capacity as Vice-president of Communications for the National Union of Workers (UNT), in Mexico. He informed us that on the first of June the Mexican flight attendants’ union, Asociación Sindical de Sobrecargos de Aviación de Mexico went out on strike against Aeromexicoin support of its contract demands. Although it is illegal in Mexico to bring in strikebreakers, the government announced its intention to utilize a legal procedure called a “requisa” to do just that, claiming that it was necessary to bring in scabs to continue operation of an essential service. The union made a decision to continue to work while maintaining its strike banners in order to prevent the entry of scabs. Meanwhile, they are protesting what they characterize as the government’s unconstitutional use of the requisa to effectively deprive them of their rights to strike and to exercise their freedom of association. The situation is tense. Actions are planned at four airports today. The UNT, which met yesterday, declared its support and called for work stoppages on Tuesday. They are requesting that faxes be sent as soon as possible to the President of Mexico and to the appropriate government authorities. The letter sent by the UE officers appears below. Please feel free to send a similar letter or to write your own. We would also appreciate it if you would circulate this request as widely as possible. ****************************************************************************** Dr. Ernesto Zedillo, President of Mexico Lic. Carlos Ruiz Sacristan, Secretary of Communications and Transportation Lic. Mariano Palacios Alcocer, Secretary of Labor VIA FAX Dear Sirs: We are writing to you on behalf of the 35,000 members of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), to express our serious concern about the decision by the government of Mexico to utilize the requisa in the recent strike of the Asociación Sindical de Sobrecargos de Aviación de Mexico. The labor rights incorporated in your constitution are clear, unequivocal, and serve as a shining example of the respect accorded Mexican workers by the government at that time. They include the right to strike and to fully enjoy the right of freedom of association. The application of the requisa makes a mockery of these provisions, depriving workers of these dearest and most fundamental of rights. We respectfully urge you to resolve this dispute in a prompt and satisfactory manner that brings honor to your government for its demonstration of respect for the law. Sincerely, Robert L. Clark General Secretary-Treasurer ********************************************************************** We were provided with multiple fax numbers, and are including them all. In the event that the number you reach is not a dedicated fax line, you will need to say “tono de fax” when the phone is answered in order to obtain a fax line. Please send a copy to the FAT, attn Benedicto Martinez so that it can be provided to the flight attendants’ union. His fax number is 011-525-556 93 16. Dr. Ernesto Zedillo, President of Mexico: 011-52 5 277 23 76, 011-52 5 515 47 83, 011-52 5 516 1797, or 011-52 5 271 82 70. Lic. Carlos Ruiz Sacristan, Secretary of Communications and Transportation 011-52 5 545 55 94, 011-52 5 530 0093, 011-52 5 645 4347, or 011-52 5 645 5594. Lic. Mariano Palacios Alcocer, Secretary of Labor 011-52 5 519 06 92 or 011-52 5 519 9748. Thank you for your solidarity! Emergency alert! Please send faxes in support of Mexican flight attendants! We have just received an emergency request from Benedicto Martínez of the FAT, acting in his official capacity as Vice-president of Communications for the National Union of Workers (UNT), in Mexico. He informed us that on the first of June the Mexican flight attendants’ union, Asociación Sindical de Sobrecargos de Aviación de Mexico went out on strike against Aeromexicoin support of its contract demands. Although it is illegal in Mexico to bring in strikebreakers, the government announced its intention to utilize a legal procedure called a “requisa” to do just that, claiming that it was necessary to bring in scabs to continue operation of an essential service. The union made a decision to continue to work while maintaining its strike banners in order to prevent the entry of scabs. Meanwhile, they are protesting what they characterize as the government’s unconstitutional use of the requisa to effectively deprive them of their rights to strike and to exercise their freedom of association. The situation is tense. Actions are planned at four airports today. The UNT, which met yesterday, declared its support and called for work stoppages on Tuesday. They are requesting that faxes be sent as soon as possible to the President of Mexico and to the appropriate government authorities. The letter sent by the UE officers appears below. Please feel free to send a similar letter or to write your own. We would also appreciate it if you would circulate this request as widely as possible. ****************************************************************************** Dr. Ernesto Zedillo, President of Mexico Lic. Carlos Ruiz Sacristan, Secretary of Communications and Transportation Lic. Mariano Palacios Alcocer, Secretary of Labor VIA FAX Dear Sirs: We are writing to you on behalf of the 35,000 members of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), to express our serious concern about the decision by the government of Mexico to utilize the requisa in the recent strike of the Asociación Sindical de Sobrecargos de Aviación de Mexico. The labor rights incorporated in your constitution are clear, unequivocal, and serve as a shining example of the respect accorded Mexican workers by the government at that time. They include the right to strike and to fully enjoy the right of freedom of association. The application of the requisa makes a mockery of these provisions, depriving workers of these dearest and most fundamental of rights. We respectfully urge you to resolve this dispute in a prompt and satisfactory manner that brings honor to your government for its demonstration of respect for the law. Sincerely, John H. Hovis Jr. Robert L. Clark President General Secretary-Treasurer ********************************************************************** We were provided with multiple fax numbers, and are including them all. In the event that the number you reach is not a dedicated fax line, you will need to say “tono de fax” when the phone is answered in order to obtain a fax line. Please send a copy to the FAT, attn Benedicto Martinez so that it can be provided to the flight attendants’ union. His fax number is 011-525-556 93 16. Dr. Ernesto Zedillo, President of Mexico: 011-52 5 277 23 76, 011-52 5 515 47 83, 011-52 5 516 1797, or 011-52 5 271 82 70. Lic. Carlos Ruiz Sacristan, Secretary of Communications and Transportation 011-52 5 545 55 94, 011-52 5 530 0093, 011-52 5 645 4347, or 011-52 5 645 5594. Lic. Mariano Palacios Alcocer, Secretary of Labor 011-52 5 519 06 92 or 011-52 5 519 9748. Thank you for your solidarity! Robin Alexander UE Director of International Labor Affairs One Gateway Center, Suite 1400 420 Fort Duquesne Blvd. PGH., PA. 15222-1416 412-471-8919 412-471-8999 FAX Labor and related news from Mexico is reported bi-monthly in Mexican Labor News and Analysis. Check it out on our web site: <HTTP://> --- from list ---
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