Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 21:45:18 -0400 Subject: AUT: men's march against domestic violencejune 24, 2000 i urge all men who oppose violence against women to come to the MEN'S MARCH AGAINST DOMESTIC VIOLENCE in Washington, D. C. saturday, June 24, 20000. march begIns at 930 am at carter Barron amphitheatre and goes down town to the ellipse ( behind Whitehouse) by way of 16th streeet. 8-9 gather at 16th and colorado 9am -930am march begins 930-12 march down 16th st. 11-12pm youth program 12-30pm program at ellipse sponsored by : robert l. pruitt and Men for Families, inc. 14608 kinderhook terrace Burtonsville, Md. 20866 phone: 1-888-946 8217 THE LIVES OF OUR FAMILY MREMBERS ARE AT STAKE EVERY I5 SECONDS A WOMAN IS BEATEN IN AMERICA 1 N 4 RELATIONSHIPS ARE ABUSIVE. 68% OF MALES BETWEEN AGES OF 12 AND 18 ARE INCARCERATED BECAUSE THEY KILLED THEIR MOTHER'S ABUSIVE PARTNERS. EVERY 45 SECONDS A WOMAN IS RAPED. BOB BROWN "solidarity means sharing the same risks" - Che ( la solidarita significa correre gli stessi rischi) --- from list ---
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