Subject: AUT: REPUBLISHED: Reading Capital Politically Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 13:43:43 +0100 The second edition of Harry Cleaver's Reading _Capital_ Politically is just off the press and bound. Co-published by Anti/Theses and AK Press; 184 pp; paperback ISBN: 1-902593-29-4, cover price £8 or $15; we may bind some copies with a hard cover at £25 or $45 if there is sufficient demand for this. In the UK, here and now, the book will be available from good bookshops, from amazon or from AK (Edinburgh). You can also get copies direct from Anti/Theses, c/o Cardigan Centre, 145-149 Cardigan Road, Leeds LS6 1LJ for £6 including p&p [cheques/POs payable to ANTITHESES]. In the US the book probably won't be available till August (because of shipping time). Then and there, it will be available from book stores, from amazon and from AK (San Francisco). Copies will also be available from Collective Action Notes, POB 22962, Balto., MD 21203 for $12 incl. p&p. I am still looking for help, please! 1. We have no distributors for the book outside of the UK and the US. I need either to arrange formal deals with commercial distributors or find sympathetic journals/magazines who will carry adverts for the book (I can supply artwork) and individuals/organisations who will hold copies to post out. 2. If you are involved in any journals or magazines get someone to review the book and/or get the magazine/journal to print a ad. 3. Encourage your local and/or university library to buy copies. 4. Post a short review of the book on the amazon sites. 5. Circulate this message to other individuals/mailing lists as you think appropriate. David Harvie --- from list ---
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