File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0102, message 109

Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2001 16:26:17 -0800 (PST)
From: Sean Fenley <>
Subject: Re: AUT: Re: autonomist crisis theory

I agree with everything you've said, I guess the exact
example I was thinking of is globalization. Capitalism
has been a world-system for quite some time but its
characterized by periods of capitalists within
particular nation-states focusing on home markets, and
periods of imperialism where capitalists look to
expand their global reach. Current globalization is
not the first time capitalists have looked beyond
domestic markets for production and buyers of their
This simple paragraph that I have just written I don't
think the vast majority of activists taking place in
the anti-globalization rallies understand. They
instead see globalization as a cultural process intent
upon homogenizing world culture to emulate western
culture. I have not studied this closely enough to say
if this is actually happening; Negri has pointed out
that miscengenations are actually leading to the
subversion or recomposition of western culture into
something new, something that might even be able to
topple capitism, that's an exciting thing. 

and of course there's the whole thing in empire about
the potential of migrations in general...

Also, one other interpretation that I think pervades
anti-globalization activists is that globalization is
globablizing capitalism itself, this is absurb because
capitalism has been global for quite some time. Of
course what these people are actually concerned with
are the new peasant, traditional peoples, etc. who are
being dragged into the global economy, b/c free or
freer trade agreements are dragging them into it.

Not only is a misapprehension of globalization a big
problem, but please READ MARX before reading the
cultural theories that are out there. I think a lot of
people take the position that marxism didn't work or
that it's no longer useful. I could expand on this
more but basically the cultural theories are powerful
with marx and reformist without him.
think that's it,

===="We need people who are like the members of the IWW in the United States at the beginning of the century, who ride the rails across the great West and at every station stop to create a political cell, a cell of struggle. It's through their travels that this communication of struggles, of desires, of utopias, took place."
      -Antonio Negri-

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