File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0107, message 578

From: "commie00" <>
Subject: AUT: middle class suburban...
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 02:46:47 -0400

> however even if the young people involved in recent
> non-violent blockading have middle-class suburban parents they destroy any
> chance of better treatment from the cops because of their antagonistic
> appearance with dreadlocks and suchlike.

let alone my doubt that the middle class exists, i have a lot of trouble
with these sorts of formulations. esp since most "suburbanites" are 1)
either generally affluent working class, or 2) poor working class who have
been pushed out of cities.

as far as the anti-globalization movement itself... the majority of young
people involved are either students (and thus working class) or have a job
(and thus working class) or are unemployed (and thus working class). and
while a very small percentage may come from something that could be called
"middle class" (i.e. their parents are small shop owners or in middle
management or are cops), it seems to me intensely agist, or some such, to
immediately lump these kids in with their parents.

hell, even the majority of kids i know who live on trust funds have parents
who were well-paid factory or construction workers.

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