File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0108, message 246

Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 19:55:26 +0100 (BST)
From: Jon Beasley-Murray <>
Subject: AUT: Luc Boltanski

Anyone know anything about this guy?

Apparently he's a french former collaborater with Pierre Bourdieu, who's
written a book called _Le nouvel esprit de capitalisme_.  When I was once
talking about _Empire_ with a pal of mine who works on Bourdieu, he said
at once "oh, that sounds like Boltanski."  Mainly, I think, because
Boltanski's argument is also for capital's reactivity.

Now I se that _Multitudes_ 3 (November 2000) has an interview with him and
co-author Eve Chiapello, and an article on his work.

Indeed, Jerome Ceccaldi and Germinal Pinalie state: "Dans la masse des
discours ambiants sure les chagements d'epoque et de paradigme, deux
ouvrages nous ont paru essentiels, tant ils bousculent les habitudes de
pensee: _Empire_, de M. Hardt et T. Negri ... et _Le nouvel esprit du
capitalisme_ d'E. Chiapello et L. Boltanski."

Anyhow, anyone read the book, know if it's being translated, or have any

Take care


Jon Beasley-Murray
Spanish and Portuguese
University of Manchester

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