File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0110, message 115

Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 23:16:23 +0100
From: Andrew Flood <>
Subject: AUT: Imperialism was Re: national question...

>in what ways does the present context make it obvious that imperialism has
>any reality?

80%+ of the top 500 companies are HQed in 10 countries

A similar percetage of R+D takes place in the same 10

Ever noticed that wars fall into two pattens, fairly local
affairs and one where one army flies half way around the world
to bomb the other (which often seems incapable of responding). Ever
notice that the country doing the bombing is always the US and
its always backed up by Britain with France, Italy etc playing a
similar role.

All the so called global bodies are controlled by the top 7 or
8 countries. Un through secutiry council, IMF through US veto,
World Bank - president is always US citizen, G7/8 etc

>what are these imperalist forces composed of? (i.e. who is participating in

Ruling class of the above

>what is the purpose of this imperialism?

To maintain control of markets and raw materials including but not
limited to oil and genetic material

To construct a global economic regime that favours the elite in
the most industralised countries (eg TRIPPS, GATT etc)

Some hasty answers and not BTW related or in defence of lenins
pamphlet on the subject which I consider deeply flawed.

      International anarchism

Me ->

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